Iā€™m 8 1/2 minutes in and so far nobody else has spoken except Meadows when he introduced trump.

I visualize most of the people on this call rolling their eyes into the backs of their heads.

Dumb white men are completely in love with the sound of their own voices.
10 minutes in, still nobody else has spoken, and Iā€™ve decided I need a drink. Iā€™m gonna listen to the whole fucking thing.

I need fortification.
Over 12 minutes in, still nobody else has spoken and trump canā€™t say ā€œalready votedā€ - instead he says ā€œalready voted for.ā€

He also seems to think Detroit is its own state.

Glad I got a cocktail. I really canā€™t consume this amount of mind-boggling stupidity without booze.
12:50: a different person speaks! DRINK!

14:03: GA Secretary of State says heā€™ll go through the allegations point by point.

Iā€™d bet cash money right now he ainā€™t gonna be allowed to finish all his points.
BINGO! 15:35 trump jumps back in! šŸ¤Ŗ
17:56: he repeats something he asserted at the top - he thinks his rally sizes is indicative of turnout!

19:00: Thank god I started drinking.
19:27: ā€œMr President* the challenge you have, the data you have is wrong.ā€

21:57: ā€œThey were stuffed, as nobodyā€™s ever seen em stuffed before.ā€

25:21: Zero fiber in the word salad of the last few minutes.

27:42: after trump claimed there were no poll watchers or authorities present during an incident at one site, GA SOS replies that their own police, and the FBI investigated.

trump: ā€œThen theyā€™re incompetent!ā€
30:10: heā€™s a broken record. Heā€™s been told his Dominion line is bullshit, but he cannot let it go. He just keeps saying things over and over as if that will make them magically real.

He ainā€™t no wizard, heā€™s the filthy troll under the bridge.
31:25: ā€œThis isnā€™t social media, this is trump media.ā€ šŸ¤Ŗ

Fucking. Moron.
32:02: THE PIVOT. You can literally hear the gear change in his fucking clunky jalopy head.
32:21: ā€œ...and we didnā€™t want Cobb County, we wanted Fulton County, and YOU wouldnā€™t give it to us!ā€ - trump, emphasis mine.

Confirming he expected something unearned to be handed to him.


His whole fucking life is this.
33:19: will not let his own female lawyer speak. Has not interrupted his own male associates thus far and has only interrupted the GA SoS early on when GA SoS wanted to go through his points.

trump fucking hates women. Here it is in demonstrable action.
Immediately after the above, and I mean IMMEDIATELY, he starts attacking Stacey Abrams.

Iā€™m too filled with loathing for him for a time stamp. He is such a piece of shit.
34:34: heā€™s obsessed with the term, ā€œconsent decree.ā€

I think itā€™s just one of the limited legal terms he understands from personal experience. In the worst way possible.
36:57: has returned to hammering at ballot shredding, which I think is the bronze in this pageant of stupid fucking shit trump is stuck on.
37:19: ".. you know what they did and you're not reporting them." Direct accusation from the moron that THERE'S A CONSPIRACY AGAINST ME I KNOW IT AND MY GOD IS THAT SOMEONE HIDING BEHIND THE FUCKING CURTAINS?????

37:58: Here it is. It all boils down to this leetle request: "I just wanna find... uh... 11,780.... votes. ...Which is one more than we have."

A lunatic making a request for JUST ONE MORE vote than the winner got over him.

Just one more... can't you just gimme ONE MORE???
38:42: "If you find it, you gotta SAY it!"

trump continuously repeating this. Just say it, Ryan. Just say it. SAY IT SAY IT SAY IT!!!
39:35: "...because in my opinion, it's never too late." trump, hoping his shredding fantasy will get some backup from liars - anytime in the future.
40:10: trump suggesting that Georgia didn't count their provisional ballots. He's just throwing stuff at the wall at this point.
40:43: thinking of a toddler on full display here. His supporters don't vote - they PROUDLY vote! šŸ˜‚
41:09: who is telling this moron he won by a lot? What whacko is giving him this information to appease his infantile ego? Who's babysitting with lies to keep him from tantruming?
41:20: every time he refers to himself in the third person I think about Jimmy from Seinfeld.
42:47: He's finished asking repeatedly if the GA SoS has heard of rumors he's heard of, and then, of course, states his rumor is proof of "many criminal events."

Votes that aren't for him are criminal.
42:57: "Look, Brad, I have to find 12,000 votes."

= "please magically produce them for me."
44:16: "I ONLY NEED 11,000 VOTES! FELLAS! I ONLY NEED 11,000!"
46:18: trump repeatedly asks GA SoS if they've checked ballots from this place or that place - basically implying that his win is somewhere magically undiscovered thus far, and Georgia naturally just somehow missed counting his fabulous win votes.
46:46: "...I'm just curious... why do you keep fighting this thing? It just doesn't make sense."

= "Why aren't you playing ball? Why aren't you giving me what I want??"
47:21: "So, so, tell me, Brad, what are we gonna do? We won the election, and it's not fair to take it away from us like this."

Full blown fucking crazy person - his babysitters will not tell him the truth, and I'm sure he wouldn't hear it if they did.
47:43: suggesting that only people that "wanna find answers" should be allowed to look into it.

= only people that want to cheat for trump should be allowed to mess with the results.
49:00: Another plea for him to JUST SAY IT. trump is desperate for the GA SoS to tell him what he wants to hear, just like his babysitters.

Why can't you be like my babysitters, Brad??
49:19: "Look, ultimately, I win." In his fevered delusions, this is how things work.
49:31: Now he's back to bashing the GA Governor.
49:48: "But why wouldn't you want to find the right answer, Brad?"

Why aren't you playing ball, Brad?
51:30: amazingly, trump has now allowed his woman lawyer to speak uninterrupted for a minute.

She's claiming she has no proof that any investigations were done. šŸ™„
51:45: trump interrupts, letting everyone know they found a way to cheat, if only the GA SoS provides certain information.
52:20: "we're not giving Dominion a pass."

Back to hammering the gold medal winner of his shit pageant.
53:00: A new trump lawyer speaks, claiming over 24,000 votes were counted illegally, and if the GA SoS would just sit down with them, and convince them their 24,000 number is wrong, they'd be fine.

Pushing for an in-person meeting to... what? Get Brad to play ball?
54:00: GA lawyer again reiterates that the trump number is not accurate, and they'd be happy to sit down with them to show them.
55:00: GA lawyer asserts that by law, trump is not permitted some of the information he's requesting.

trump explodes.
55:30: threatening to fuck with the runoff. Because of "what you've done to the president." This third person shit is so fucking weird.
55:46: the people are mad what you've done to the president and they're gonna vote negative.

I'm paraphrasing, but seriously, how does one "vote negative?"
56:30: Second time he implies that the surrounding states are telling him he couldn't lose Georgia.

Ok. So other states are speaking for Georgia? trump believes rumors are reality.
56:44: "But I tell ya, it's gonna have a big impact on Tuesday if you don't get this straightened out." trump threatening that if GA doesn't cheat and throw him the election, the runoff will be fucked with.
57:50: GA has to correct Meadows as Meadows puts words in their mouths, implying that they will hand over protected data.

GA reiterates that they didn't offer that, and they cannot offer data protected by law.
57:57: trump is pissed he isn't allow to illegally get his mitts on data he's not permitted to have, and so he comes to this: "So you're allowing a phony election?"
58:27: trump lawyer now suggesting GA SoS deputize trump lawyers to get around the law of protecting personal private data.

= if we can't break the law this way, how about this other way??
58:36: trump has just suggested his absolute favorite thing in the whole world: a confidentiality agreement. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„
59:00: Meadows attempting desperately to wrap up this shit show of a phone call.
59:47: "Well why don't my lawyers show you the information..." trump thinks that all he has to do is put his lawyers in charge and PRESTO! HE WINS!

Fucking incompetent moron. Not even a good criminal.
1:00:00: Back to bashing Stacey Abrams. "She's laughing at you."

I hope she is, but I better visualize her as laughing at this shit show of a phone call.
Also, no secret that there is nothing worse to trump than an accomplished Black Woman laughing at him.
1:00:11: Mixing in some Kemp bashing with the Abrams bashing.
1:00:20: trump takes full credit for Kemp winning. "He was dead. Dead as a doornail."

Even his cliches are tired.
1:00:27: trump calls himself a schmuck for the second time in this call. It's also the 2 times I agree with him. :)
1:00:42: trump again asserting that this needs to happen - GA handing the win to him - before the GA runoff.
1:00:50: "They hate the state, they hate the governor, and they hate the Secretary of State, I'm telling you right now."

= trumpies hate their own homes and their own elected officials in a world without trump. Only trump can make these people love their own homes.
1:00:56: "And the only people that like you are the people that won't vote for you. You know that, Brad."

What the fuck??? Incoherent nonsense.
1:01:23: "The REAL TRUTH is that I won by 400,000 votes."

oooooooookay then! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
1:01:49: Finally, finally wrapping this shit show up by planning to meet again.
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