In case anyone had any doubts, the dead-enders are dead-ending in a big way.

America is in a very dangerous place right now. The eagle-noise MAGA superpatriots never cared about America, they cared about power.

And our enemies laugh and laugh and laugh.
By burning down American institutions, Trump and his enablers have not just weakened America, they have gravely wounded the cause of self-governance around the world.

17 days to go. There is no bottom.
Nobody likes people who repeatedly say I told you so, but until Trumpist dead-enders exhibit even a scintilla of regret, you're going to keep hearing it until you get a glimmering of a clue.
How you like him now, Salem? You didn't own the libs, you owned yourselves.
Many people I used to consider my friends never were, apparently. But the difference between me and you is that I figured it out, and you either haven't figured it out, or are too attached to your paychecks and royalties to admit that you have half a brain left.
Everybody has a price, apparently. And all too many of us are cheap dates of the lowest order.

This is how the teaparty (and conservative infotainment) ends, not with a bang, but with whimpering BS about owning the libs, when it is you who have been owned.

Here's your ball-gag.
I miss Andrew Breitbart more and more with each passing day, particularly when the people he mentored are busy betraying America.
But Andrew has the advantage of being dead, and not betraying what he once believed, like so many others in the once-conservative, ongoing infotainment betrayal of basic conservative standards and beliefs.
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