Here’s how many chances you have to not have an unwanted baby.

1. Not have sex with an undesirable partner or at an undesirable time to get pregnant.
2. Not use birth control which is free from Planned Parenthood.
3. Not use a condom.
4. Not use morning after pill. ....
5. Not use early detection pregnancy test which will give you results within 10 days of conception. Always worked for me.
6. Not use regular pregnancy test which will give accurate results after a missed period.
7. Not consult a doctor to confirm pregnancy. ....
8. Now you have more than 2 months to schedule a responsible and humane abortion before what I think should be the hard cut off — 12 weeks.

If you can’t sort it out in that amount of time, you’re irresponsible beyond comprehension and my sympathy is gone. You’re having a baby.
I’m not sure why people act like this isn’t a reasonable series expectations with an unreal amount of options. We have to turn into blood thirsty and dehumanizing psychopaths in order to condone it.
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