Okay, they just released the Full #TrumpTapes, so I'm going to listen to it and lets see what they say! Join in on the thread!

Trump starts out by saying his rally sizes prove he won.

And he is saying that there are "hundreds of thousands of ballots that weren't counted"
Trump says that they will have an accurate number after a couple days cause they will have "certified accountants" count them

Trump says that a "professional vote scammer" was involved...

He is spitting out a few numbers that are pure conjecture, and he hasn't offered any proof, just says that these numbers are true
Hey! We've gotten to the ballots under tables and "They weren't in official ballot boxes" (they were)

Suffice it to say, I have a feeling that there wont be any new claims in this call #boring
He's complaining about ballot dropboxes, saying that he has photos and affidavits that say they weren't delivered for three days (complete lie)
"The state is in turmoil"

Gee, I wonder why...
"People say that there is no way Biden won!"

"We won Congress, so how did I lose the state?"

Maybe because many Republicans don't actually like you?
Trump says that "massive numbers" will be certified, whatever that means

Now we are onto dead people voting, which has been debunked a hundred times over...
"They are burning and shredding ballots"

"They are burning 3000 pounds of ballots"

Wait, so he doesn't have any other accurate numbers, but he knows the poundage of a burn pile?! lol Good lord
"There's turmoil in Georgia, not just Georgia, many states will be flipping to me! Like Detroit!"

"139% of people in Detroit voted""

"200% of people voted in PA"

This man is deranged.
"They found the dead voters by going LABORIOUSLY through the obituaries"

Because no two people have the same name...
"Many many times the number of votes nessesary to win this state [GA]"

"Much of this is certified, far more than we need"
The Trump Lawyer jumps in now, I can't remember his name,

"we have reports that people voted, but it didnt count, can we come to some sort of agreement to look at these reports?"
Sorry, My neighbor stopped by to make sure my kids got the stockings they had sent us! Back into it
This seems like a very good question and it doesn't seem appropriate, but I don't know the answer https://twitter.com/victstokes/status/1345841201329668096?s=20
The Trump lawyer is asking "to look for a path forward that is less litigious"
the SoS Lawyer says that "we've already gone to court to deny these claims", "we've gone to the state legislature going line by line through the election" "we've gone through this line by line with congressmen"
the Secretary of State Lawyer "We've already had a handcount that proved that the machines did not change the vote"
Back to Trump "We have all the votes we need, we won the state, these numbers are the minimum we actually have way more than what we need to win"

I'll give it to Trump, when he is delusional, he sticks with it
"we are many many times above the margin, we dont have to go through things, because what's the difference between winning by 2 votes and a million votes, I believe we probably won it by half a million votes"

"South Carolina is saying it's impossible I didn't win GA"

"I can tell you [I won] because of my rallies"
"We lost by 11k votes, but we have already certified many more than that, we have won the election in Georgia"

"The people of GA are Angry"

"These numbers are going to be shown on Monday Night"
Now we get to the dirty:

"There is nothing wrong with saying you've recalculated"

Trump literally wants the election handed to him because "he says so"
"These are exact numbers done by accountants, and even if you cut them in half we have the numbers!"

Back to the SoS lawyer "The problem is that the data you have is wrong"
SoS Lawyer "We talked with state legislature who said they talked with Mr Reynard, who said that 5,000 dead people voted. The actual number is 2"
Now a female Trump lawyer is saying "we have asked for records that only you have, we are saying that there is a universe of people who died who voted"
Trump interrupts his lawyer: "we are so far ahead of these numbers, even the phone ballots of *******, known scammer, you know what was trending on the internet? Where was ***** we thought she would be in jail"

Name bleeped in audio, I assume for privacy
Trump says that "this scammer" was responsible for at LEAST 18k, maybe 56k ballots!

"We saw it happen in slow motion replay!"

Yeah, if that had happened it would've been caught in the hand recount.
"She stuffed the machine, the ballot went through three times"

Oh my, he's a moron, does he not know what hand recount means?
Trump rambles on that this alone means he has the votes to win GA.

"That one event is even magnified"
SoS "Your talking about the State Farm video, it was sliced and diced and taken out of context"

"We've show the full run tape which shows nothing happened!"
Trump "why did the Republican watchers leave, why did they say there was a water main break? If you look at the tape, which was reviewed by police and other people. Everyone left their station, when they came back they went to the ballots that weren't in a sealed box"
Trump continues ranting about the "known vote scammer" for a minute, wondering where she is "why did she put the ballots through three times"

SoS "we already did an audit of that, we've proved they did not go through three times!"
Female lawyer for Trump "we've seen the tape, and there were roughly 18k ballots run through"

Trump "18k ballots run through three times"

Female Trump lawyer "Well I don't know about that"

Trump "Well I do"

Oh the comedy gold!
Trump "You would have to be a child" to disagree

GA investigator "We've had our officers, GBI and the FBI there, this is false."

Trump "Then there is only two answers, dishonest or incompetent"
Just a quick edit here to say that I am trying to summarize all this on the fly, I wish I knew their names, but I think their titles are more important. It lets you know what is going on.
Trump Female lawyer when asked by Trump "the number of out of state voters was 4500"

Trump "No, the number was in the 20s"

The fact that he keeps interrupting his own legal team with his own made up numbers is amazing!
SoS "We've been going through those numbers and they are not accurate. Most of those are people who moved away from GA but then moved back!"

Trump "How many people did that, it doesn't sound like a very normal... And what, they move back because they missed it so much?
SoS "this is that they moved back YEARS ago, and so those numbers just aren't accurate"

Trump "But it's CERTIFIED"
Trump "there is no way I lost GA, I won by hundreds of thousands of votes, I'm just going by small numbers and you add them up and they become hundreds of thousands"

Trump then asks if they burned ballots in Fulton, and did Dominion take out machines
"Dominion is moving really fast to get rid of their machinery"

GA Investigator "No, Dominion has not moved any of their machines out of Fulton."
Trump "Have they removed inner parts of the machines, and replaced them with other parts"

GA inverstigator "No.

Trump "you sure"

GAI "Yes Mr President, I'm sure"

I mean, if this exchange doesn't sum up the Trump presidency, I don't know what does!
Trump "what about the shredding of the ballots"

GAI "No, they have not done any shredding of ballots, the one investigation in Fulton showed that they were shredding old office stuff. And we investigated it and it was stuff from past elections"
Trump "We've been hearing they've been shredding ballots, and now they are saying its office stuff, I dont think that plays..."
SoS "Mr President, the problem with Social media is that they can say anything..."

Trump "No this isn't social media, this is TRUMP media"

Trump "Social media is big tech, big tech is on your side. You shouldn't have a side, you should be on the side of an accurate election"

SoS "we believe that we do have an accurate election"
Trump "no, no you don't have one, you're off by hundreds of thousands."

Trump says they did the signature audit in Cobb and not Fulton, why didn't they allow Fulton or professionals to audit the signatures?
Trump "Those guys don't want to find anything, why don't you want to find anything. Why did you do Cobb county"

GAI "We chose Fulton Co. Because that is the ONLY county where there was evidence that signature verification was not properly done"
Trump "We didn't say that!"

Trumps Female Lawyer "well we did say that"

Trump "Fulton County, Stacy is dishonest, she got you to sign a totally unconstitutional agreement. She's totally outsmarted you

I'm not sure what this is in reference too, or who Trump is talking too
Trump "that consent decree is a disaster"

Ahh, so that's what he was talking about

GA "is scared, everyone is scared of what's going to happen on Monday!"
SoS "Settlement agreements are illegal in Georgia"

Trump "It wasn't a settlement agreement, it says consent decree!"

SoS "It's a settlement agreement"
Trump "it's a disaster"

"Here is the problem, we could go through signature verification, and if you let us do it we will find thousands of ballots!"

Ummm, how about no?
Trump "You just looked at one page compared to another"

That is literally the definition of signature verification. Trump goes on to say that the ONLY way to do it is to compare signatures from past elections to this one.

So I guess if you didn't vote before now, too bad?
Trump "Fulton, where they dumped ballots, many are forgeries, you know that, you know about that."

"They are going around laughing at you behind your back Brad, they are laughing at you because they cheated"

Trump "we have incredibly talents who said this is impossible"

"You will find they are shredding ballots, they aren't sealed, they are corrupt. It's more illegal for you than for them because you know what happened"

"That's a big risk for you Brad, you and your lawyer"
Trump "they are shredding ballots in my opinion, moving machinery, both are criminal actions. You are letting it happen, both of you, I'm notifying you that you are letting it happen."
Trump, and this part is verbatim:

"All I want to do is find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state, and flipping the state is a great testament to our country, because, you know"
Trump flounders a bit and then says "its a testament that they can admit to a mistake, or whatever you want to call it, I don't know..."

"A lot of people think it wasn't a mistake, it was much more, criminal than that"
Trump "it's a big problem, it's not a problem that's going away"
Georgia Lawyer Ryan: "Mr President, we have looked into every one of those things that you mentioned"

Trump interrupts him here "okay then good, but if you find them then you have to say them"

Georgia Lawyer "we will if we find them, let me tell you what we're seeing"
Georgia Lawyer "what we are seeing is NOT AT ALL what you're describing. These are investigators from our (SOS) office, GBI, and they are looking and they are good. That's not what they are seeing."

Trump "Well tell them to look at the ballot shredding"
Trump "They are shredding ballots, you should look at that carefully because that's illegal. They are doing it because they know we will eventually get into Fulton"

"Look, we need only 11,000 votes. We have far more than that as it stands now. We'll have more and more. You have provisional ballots at all?"
SoS "they are allowed by state law"

Trump "sure, most of them have Trump on it, they were scammed when they came in, they were proudly going to vote. But they were told they had already voted"

"But the people would scream 'but no, I proudly voted till Nov 3rd"

Trump "What about the batch of ballots from the military that went 100% for Trump, I mean for Biden, do you know about that?"

Trump's Lawyer "I know about it but i don't know..."

Trump "I'm not asking you now"
SoS "I don't know about that, but I do know that military votes come in with overseas citizens ballots"

Trump "people overseas vote for me!"
Trump "Look Brad, I have to find 12,000 votes. And I have them, times a lot, and therefore I won the state!"

"when you talk about no criminality I think it's very dangerous"
No shit! https://twitter.com/WillisisCray/status/1345857035716333568?s=20
Trump "I just don't know why, you don't have the votes counted as they are. Even you, when you did that check, and I was suprised, and we found a few thousand votes. All we did was check existing votes"

Trump "you were just given votes, and you counted them up and you still found several thousand that were bad"

I guess he is talking about the votes they found for Trump?

"That was surprising. But you have to go back to past years with respect to signatures"
Trump "If you checked Fulton Co. you would find hundreds of thousands of votes"

"So what are we going to do here folks, I only need 11 thousand votes. fellas I only need 11 thousand votes, give me a break"
Trump "We have that in spades already, or we can keep it going. That's not fair to the voters of GA, they are going to see what happened. I'll take on anyone you want in regards to ******* and her lovely daughter, her very lovely daughter"
Trump is ranting about the 3x vote counting. Claiming that every single vote she did went to biden.

"Did you know that Ryan?"

GA Lawyer "That's not accurate Mr President"
Trump "What is accurate"

GA Lawyer "The numbers that we are showing are accurate"

Trump "No about *****, early in the morning when the whole gang took the stuff out from under the table. Do you know who they were voting for?"

GA Lawyer "no"
Trump "Do you know who they voted for"

GA Lawyer "we've looked into that situation"

Trump "No they were 100% for Biden"

(lol, as if he could know that)

Trump "Why don't you want to find this Brad? I've heard you have a very nice lawyer"
Correction, he says Ryan in that last tweet, but I believe he is talking to Brad, because the lawyer is Ryan
Trump to Brad "I've heard your lawyer is very difficult. You have a very nice last name"

"I'm just curious, why do you keep fighting this thing."

Trump goes on to say that if you "just took out" x y or z ballots, he would win!

"Brad what are we going to do?"
Trump "We won the election, and it's going to be very costly, in many ways. And I think you have to say that you have to re-examine it"

"But re-examine it with people who want to find answers"
Trump "For instance I'm hearing Ryan make statements with surety, but I think now with less surety, because the answer is they all went to Biden. And that alone wins us the election, by a lot."
SoS "Mr President, you have people who submit your information, and we have our people. And then that info comes before the court and the court has to make a determination. We have to stand by our numbers, we believe our numbers are right"

Trump "Why do you say that?"
Trump "Sure we can play this game with the courts, but why do you say.. First off they don't even assign us a judge. But why wouldn't you.. But brad, why wouldn't you want to check out ********. And why wouldn't you want to say, if in fact President Trump is right about that"
Trump [cont.] "then he wins the state of Georgia, then he wins the state of Georgia. Just that one incident alone. Without going through hundreds of thousands of dropped ballots."

"You just say you stick by your, I mean, I've been watching you, you don't care about anything"
Trump [cont.] "your numbers are right. But your numbers aren't right, they are really wrong. They're really wrong Brad.
I know this phone call is going nowhere"

"Ultimately I win, okay"

No, not okay!
Trump rants about shit that I don't feel like repeating, complaining about the GA governor.

"Why wouldn't you want to find the right answer Brad"

This is typical mafia behavior right here. "just take care of it" (my words, not Trump's, just to be clear)
Trump's Lawyer "Secretary.... Look, the courts haven't even given us a judge"

Duh, get evidence first!

She goes on: the people have a right to know. You aren't giving us all the information. Why don't you give us all the information. etc.
Trump interrupts her when she mentions Dominion because he says that they "don't even need them", they have numbers.

"All we have to do is find 11,000 plus votes"
Trump is ranting again, but does say they aren't giving dominion a pass.

A new Trump lawyer steps in, and says they want to sit down to deal with the Georgia state office about the "limit category" of votes they claim are hard numbers.
The lawyer says they have experts who looked into it and Trump interrupts him to say "and we've had certified accountants look into it"

What is his deal with accountants?!?!
Trump lawyer continues and says they want to have a compromise settlement proceeding and go over the data.

GA Lawyer "I'm happy to do that, but those numbers are not accurate. I'm happy to show you why they are wrong, I would be happy to set that [meeting] up"
Trump lawyer says they wanted all this info but didn't get it

GA LAywer "well, there are certain things you are entitled to get, and some that by law you are not allowed to get"
Trump jumps in "Well youre not allowed to give faulty election results but that's what you've done!"

"Because of what you've done to the President, the people of GA know that this was a scam. And because of what you've done to the President,a lot of people aren't going to vote"
Trump "A lot of Republicans are going to vote negative"


"Because they hate what you did to the President"

"You would be really respected if this thing could be straightened out before the election. You have a big election coming up on Tuesday"
Trump "I'm not looking to blame anybody, i'm just looking to say 'under new views' of the election results, we won the election"

The mafia vibe is only getting stronger.
Trump "I won the election, as the governors of major states, surrounding states said, there's no way you lost GA. As the GA politicians say, you won GA. Everyone says there is no way you lost GA."
Trump "But I tell you it will have a big impact on Tuesday if you don't get this thing straightened out fast"
Some house keeping from Georgia trying to figure out what data can be given to the Trump team. Data is protected by law, so they aren't allowed to give it.

Trump interrupts "But your allowed to have a phoney election?"
Georgia "no sir"

Trump "when are you going to do Sig. verification on Fulton Co. Which you said you were going to do"

Georgia "we are going to do that"
Mark from GA says the lawyers from both sides should get together and figure out a path forward.

Trump "Why dont my lawyers show you our information, we don't need to see yours, we have the data, we got it from you"
Trump "Stacey Abrahms is going around laughing at you"

Trump "You need to resolve this because you have people not voting, they hate the state, they hate the governor, they hate the SoS, I will tell you that right now. And the only people who like you are people who will never vote for you"

Nothing isn't transactional with him
Trump "Brad, they want more people like you, we just want the truth, it's simple. And everyone is going to look very good if they truth comes out, it's okay. But let the truth come out. And the real truth is I won by 400,000 votes, that's the real truth"
Trump "But don't need 400,000 votes, we need less that 2000 votes [sic]"
So they wrap up by saying who will contact who. Everyone says thank you.

And that's the end.

I'm glad I listened to it. I think reading a transcript would miss out on a lot of the nuance of the conversation.

I am pretty shocked at how many times he "just needed 12,000 votes"
This conversation will go down in history hand in hand with the Watergate tapes.

I'm going to take a break, I've got like 200+ notifications, I want to process this and I absolutely will get back to your comments, thanks for coming along!

Be back in a couple hours!
Absolutely, the Trump lawyers are professionals, and like many lawyers, they have to defend a crappy case.

It's really a crappy when your client is spouting conspiracy garbage. https://twitter.com/HoozMarkie/status/1345877635021287424?s=20
This is exactly the impression I got. He want's to haggle his way into a second term, he is willing to do whatever it takes to get his way. https://twitter.com/MalteseSparrow/status/1345870400736018432?s=20
My stomach was churning, for sure https://twitter.com/M_llyWeasley/status/1345869831699103747?s=20
Thank you! This was the female attorney for Trump on the tape https://twitter.com/kevinmac_27/status/1345867869771485185?s=20
To be honest, I still can't process that the POTUS actually tried this move.

You think it's impossible here, but apparently not. https://twitter.com/amyfiallos/status/1345863801615376385?s=20
Jonathan also finds this weird. https://twitter.com/WillisisCray/status/1345862088611151876?s=20
No, he does not. Everything is transactional. He thinks he can buy his way through anything. https://twitter.com/victstokes/status/1345862000455380995?s=20
The last numbers I saw, and they were early numbers, had Trump winning the military 55% to Biden's 45%. Which means he lost like 20 points from 2016!

The military might have saved America with their vote! https://twitter.com/BaginskiAimee/status/1345861307371667457?s=20
Absolutely! It's also important to remember that these are REPUBLICAN Georgia officials! https://twitter.com/BloodstaindGem/status/1345859729311019011?s=20
lol, yes, and I guarantee many hundreds of manhours were spent pouring over the info from the State Farm Arena.

That and the fact that they HAND COUNTED THEM, show that there was no evidence of fraud there. https://twitter.com/BaginskiAimee/status/1345858233420812288?s=20
It's almost like the story keeps changing with them, isn't it? https://twitter.com/BaginskiAimee/status/1345857583886684164?s=20
I almost WANT them to bring new evidence forward, I'm so tired of hearing the same old debunked nonsense... https://twitter.com/Hi_I_am_Stewie/status/1345856817948221443?s=20
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