It was evident in the first scrimmage that #NJDevils Coach Ruff's new system is remarkably different.

1) The D are strategically blitzing the opposition in the DZ corners. Both D are going aggressively into the same corner to defend and end plays.
A structure using two D in the same corner allows the F1, typically the Center, to not get pinned up as much in DZ corner battles. The F1 should now be more available to join the transition to offense quicker.(Playing with "more pace") Forwards have more net front DZ responsibly.
2) The D from both teams were up in the rush all game. Not just as the new mandated "4th Man", but leading the rush many times and making plays below the OZ goal line. I recall two goals directly resulting from down low OZ plays made by D-men Carrick and Jacobs.
3)Noticeably, the "3rd or 4th man" joining the rush were skating into the OZ wide & away from the puck carrier. Maybe coincidental, & not a team rule, but this strategy can improve the Devils' ability to retrieve their even-strength OZ shot attempts that miss the net off the rush
(I posted a stat mentioning this being an area requiring focus. Last year the Devils' ranked #31 in the NHL at recovering their overall even-strength OZ shot attempts.)
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