The books I read throughout 2020 helped me stay balanced in a year of uncertainty 📚 I’ve summarised and/or quoted from a selection of them below. Read on to see who I learned from in 2020👇
N.B. I did this for my own reflection, but sharing in the hope it’s useful to someone else. They are in no particular order and across multiple genres. Don't take my word for it & be sure to read the books for yourself!
01 – How To Thrive In The Next Economy @johnthackara 🌱

To design a life-centred economic system, we need to integrate ecological systems-thinking, regenerative business practice and design-led social-innovation. Less bureaucracy, more place-based community action.
02 – Awareness #AnthonyDeMello 👁

How do you understand the world? By observing and empathising. With no interference or judgment on your part. What you judge you cannot understand. What you seek to change, you can no longer understand.
03 – Dark Matter & Trojan Horses @cityofsound ✏️

Management firms have infiltrated every institution, but they lack the ability to design. "Creating" as a way of generating insight & informing strategy is essential when operating in unknown-unknowns. You can't manage complexity.
04 – The Bed of Procrustes @nntaleb 🏋️‍♂️

People focus on role models, but it's more effective to focus on anti-models: people you don't want to resemble when you grow up. Rookies try to win – masters focus on avoiding errors. Avoid the errors of others and you'll often win.
05 – Designing Regenerative Cultures @DrDCWahl 🌀

Our ideas, thoughts and visions of the future have creative agency and contribute to bringing forth the world we will live in. In the age of information, education is about learning to ask the right questions.
06 – The Systems View of Life #FritjofCapra & #PierLuigiLuisi 🕸

True sustainable development is based on the recognition that we are an inseparable part of the web of life (of human and nonhuman communities) and that enhancing any one of them will enhance all the others.
07 – The Taboo of Knowing Who You Are @AlanWattsDaily ☯️

We do not “come into” this world; we come out of it. Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe. This fact is rarely, if ever, experienced by most individuals.
08 – Good Strategy/Bad Strategy #RichardRumelt

A good strategy doesn't just draw on existing strength; it creates it through the coherence of its design. More than boardroom charisma and political vision, we must demand good strategy if we wish to see change in this world.
09 – Becoming Supernatural @DrJoeDispenza 💗

Science continues to affirm ancient wisdom. Thought alone can trigger a physiological stress response strong enough to cause disease; why is it so hard to believe that this process also works in reverse? Our thoughts can make us well.
10 – The Laws of Human Nature @RobertGreene ⚖️

We are more alike than different. Contexts change, yet patterns repeat. It's hard to judge others when you understand why we act the way we do. Be careful not to think that you'd act any different in their shoes.
11 – The World We Made @Forum4theFuture 🖼

Foresight is hard. Imagination is harder. Each and every one of us has the capacity to envision a more desirable future – these are the collective briefs that should inspire tomorrow. To create seeds of hope for a better tomorrow.
12 – Shambala #ChögyamTrungpa ☸️

The warrior is sensitive to every aspect of phenomena: sight, smell, sound, touch, taste – feelings. He appreciates everything that goes on in his world, as an artist does. Her experience is full and extremely vivid. They are fully alive.
13 – Can't Hurt Me @davidgoggins 🪵

Your mind is where the battles of life are won and lost. Very few people in history have ever reached their highest potential. To achieve what others haven't, you must do what others won't. It's up to you to decide who you want to become.
14 – Indistractable @nireyal 📵

When we seek pleasure, we're actually driven by the desire to free ourselves from the pain of longing. This mechanism is targeted by the Attention Economy. Your attention is your life – reclaim it and spend it wisely.
15 – Design, When Everybody Designs #EzioManzini 🤝

We should look at the whole of society as a laboratory for socio-technical innovation; wherein the role of design experts is to enable open-ended co-design processes, facilitating the creating of participatory futures.
16 – King, Warrior, Magician, Lover #RobertMoore & #DouglasGillette 🔮

It is the responsibility of every individual to mature all aspects of the self: to go from child to adult requires the integration and transcendence of childish individualism to the stewardship of the whole.
17 – The Invincible Company @AlexOsterwalder @ypigneur @fredetiemble 🧭

Systematic innovation requires a portfolio approach. Taking the posture of a modern VC, leadership must exploit currents business models while simultaneously exploring new ones. More evidence = less risk.
18 – Testing Business Ideas @AlexOsterwalder @davidjbland 🧪

The risk of innovation can be mitigated through the generation of market evidence. There is a plethora of methods to gather real evidence at low cost. Move forward without this customer insight at your own peril.
19 – Transcend @sbkaufman ⛵️

Pop-psychology took a skewed interpretation of Maslow's work and portrayed individual self-actualisation as the priority. They left out his most important contribution of all: our true mission is to transcend ourselves by serving the whole.
20 – Wardley Mapping @swardley 🗺

Imagine playing a game against an opponent who isn't aware of the pieces, the board... or the fact that they're playing the game at all. Most business leaders find themselves in this position. Wardley adds gameplay to the sport of business.
21 – The Flame #LeonardCohen 📝

Don't neglect your duty to look within. Get the affairs of your inner life in order. Be brave and go deep – there's no shame in whatever you find. There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
22 – Design And Futures @futuryst & #CherPotter 📄

A collection of academic papers highlighting the impact of Design and Futures Studies. How do we make the future tangible? Inclusive? Life-centred? The first steps have already been made by the projects in this book.
23 – DO/Improvise @DoBookCo 🎨

Complexity demands improvised responses. Our reductionist world rewards linear plans and perfect execution, yet things never actually get done without a touch of improv. We are all natural born improvisers – so why don't we value it?
24 – The Prophet #KahilGibran 🧿

The principles for being a good person are available to all who seek them. It is irrelevant of how they are told; genuine goodness is anti-dogmatic and open to all. It is a matter of living them out in community with others.
25 – How Innovation Works @mattwridley 🚀

Innovation is not the same as invention. Invention is objective; it wasn't, now it is. Innovation is subjective; now it is, how does it impact? It requires freedom to exchange, experiment, imagine, invest and fail – and to do it again.
26 – Ordinary Men #ChristopherBrowning 👮‍♂️

History is seen as if it was lived by the "other". It is one of our most dangerous flaws; leading us to believe that we are incapable of the horrors of the past. The actions of the German WWII Reserve Police Battalion 101 begs to differ.
27 – The Psychology of Money @morganhousel 💸

Creating and preserving wealth isn't about what you know, it's about how you behave with money. Our brains aren't wired to deal with the non-linearity of today's digitalised economy. Timeless principles can keep us grounded.
28 – The Lives of the Stoics @RyanHoliday 🏛

Philosophy is the study of life. But we rarely get a glimpse into the lives of the philosophers we glean wisdom from. The lives of stoics make explicit the implicit truth embedded in all philosophy; we're all human after all.
29 – The Polymath @ThePolymathBook 🧠

We've been sold a lie: to specialise is the only way to "succeed". This reductionist view of human potential has prevented untold amounts of talent from exploring their inner curiosity and creating innovations that change the world.
30 – On Tyranny @TimothyDSnyder ⚠️

To maintain our democratic rights, we must maintain our democratic responsibilities: Be courageous. Maintain your virtue. Understand the role of institutions. Listen for dangerous words. Stay calm when the unthinkable arrives. Believe in truth.
31 – Digital Supply Networks @Deloitte 🤖

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is fuelled by cyber-physical assets. The digitalisation of our economy has already began to change how we live our lives – and it's barely getting started.
32 – Lo-TEK @julia_watson_ 🌳

Globalisation alienated us; assuming one-size-fits-all technological solutions would work in all contexts. It has destroyed the diversity of life in many ways. We must reintegrate indigenous knowledge and culture – the answer often already exists.
33 – Blindsight @mattjohnsonisme @PrinceGhuman248 👀

Some of the smartest people in the world are figuring out how to manipulate your behaviour through digital interactions. If it's going to exist, you'd better learn how they do it – your wallet and your soul will thank you.
34 – The Essential Rumi @Rumi_Quote 🌷

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. You can't spot new ideas while dealing with old ones. When you are everywhere, you are nowhere. When you are somewhere, you are everywhere.
35 – The Navalmanack @naval @EricJorgenson 📈

A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned. Everything else is secondary.
36 – Out of Your Mind @AlanWattsDaily 🧘🏻‍♂️

The world doesn't come thinged; it doesn't come evented. You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean. Nothing is truly separate from everything else.
37 – A Life on Our Planet @DavidALifeFilm 🌍

Biodiversity is the key to life. Most of us only get to experience the beauty of this planet in the abstract. Get out and experience it for yourself; soon it may be too late. Do what you know to be right – life depends on it.
Fín. Thank you for reading! I hope you go out and pick up some of these books for yourself – I promise they're all worthy of your time and attention. But remember, reading is fruitless without action. Embody what you learn and your life will change for the better. Here's to 2021.
You can follow @adamdebarra.
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