This isn't the start to the New Year anyone wanted.

After 60 days of zero cases and a Christmas spent together, Victorians could be forgiven for thinking – hoping – it was all over.

But this virus was never going to just go away.
As hard as it is, we all have to kick back into gear and get on top of it.

If you've returned from NSW, please follow the individual directions you received from the department.

If you have symptoms, however mild, get tested and stay home until you receive your results.
If you need support to isolate – whether that's financial, food or anything else – call the hotline and we'll make sure you get it.

And if you're heading out, make sure you have your mask and stick to the restrictions.
Because every single one of us has a big part to play in ensuring we beat this cluster.

Victorians have worked too hard, and sacrificed too much to get here.

And we can't ever risk giving all of that up.
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