I've been an elected official for the same amount of time as the 5 (so far) UCP MLAs who decided that taking a warm vacation while telling Albertans to stay home was OK.

I've spent the last few days trying to figure out how in the world they came to that conclusion. #ableg

When you enter politics, you know your actions will rightfully be subject to public scrutiny. Not just because there's more attention, but also because you've asked the public to place their trust in you. You're expected to lead by example. Never more so than during a crisis.
Every day, I have moments where I reflect on my actions. Sometimes I'm sure I got it wrong. But the importance of that reflection has been heightened during the pandemic. It's brand new to all of us, I need to not only be seen to do the right thing, but I have to lead by example.
I also have to do the right thing because I feel responsible for keeping my family, neighbours, friends, & community safe. I want to get through this as much as the next person. I want my kids' lives to go back to normal. #ableg
A few weeks ago, my family went to the Leg to see the outdoor lights. We turned the car around halfway there because we had forgotten masks. The current orders do not *require* masks outdoors, but our mantra is to consider the spirit & intent of the orders, not parse words.
We didn't know how many people would be there or if social distancing would be respected completely by everyone, so to be safe - and to model safety - we wore masks. It was a good thing too because it was quite busy there (the lights really are beautiful). #ableg
I've spent hours explaining over & over again the ever-changing advice & orders to my 75 year-old mother. She's not on social media, so it's hard for her to keep up. Frankly, we've battled over them since sometimes it's hard for her to understand why she can't see her grandkids.
Just this morning, she begged to have my kids over for a sleepover &I had to remind her once again of why we can't do that. Not just because it's against the rules, but because we want to get through this. The actions of the UCP just made those conversations harder for all of us.
I've second-thought my actions a million times and the principle my family & I come back to time and again is "Why are we doing this? What is the purpose behind the restrictions?" It has not been "What is the exact wording so we can find loopholes?" #ableg
I'm not saying that I'm perfect or that I won't get it wrong. One of the realities of a public role is knowing that there's a real possibility that when (not if) I get it wrong, I will very publicly be held accountable. But this is why I try to reflect on it all the time. #ableg
And this is what baffles me about these UCP MLAs & @jkenney for excusing them. Did they never take the time to reflect on their choices? One does not "accidentally" do all the planning & execution of an intl trip w/o many chances to reflect on whether it's the right thing to do.
And now they have another chance to reflect on it. They've been caught. So here's the chance to not just say they're sorry (although not all of them have even done that), but to actually do the thing that they failed to multiple times already. The right thing. Resign. #ableg
I honestly don't understand how so many of them made the same mistake over & over. The only conclusion I can reach - the same one many Albertans have reached - is they don't look at their role the same way. They don't see themselves as leaders. And so they haven't led. #ableg
And it's clear their technical Leader @jkenney doesn't see their role - or his - as leaders either. They see it as an entitlement. As power. But as we know, with power comes responsibility. If @jkenney feels no responsibility towards Albertans, he's lost the right to lead. #ableg
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