I can confirm this, I’m out of school now & I specialize in wounds & wound care. Had Sam called 911, EMTs could have freed Dean from the post the rebar was sticking out of & taken him safely (still w/ rebar stabilizing wound) to a trauma center. Dean died bc he stopped fighting. https://twitter.com/gylienheart/status/1345449864306380800
The message of the finale was dangerous because it completely subverted our trust in its promise to us (yes PROMISE) that it has always made to always keep fighting. Yea the actors did a fantastic job acting, no doubt, but stop fucking romanticizing the beauty in Dean’s young,
untimely, and AVOIDABLE death. It’s not beautiful, it’s not wincest, it’s not romantic... It’s literally an opportunistic suicide with unauthorized assistance from a family member. If they weren’t underwear models, and if the show didn’t spend 15
years reeling us in with storylines like “always keep fighting”, it would be easier to see the dangerous messaging in this episode; I have my own thoughts as to why the show did this but, keeping to the point, Dean could have easily survived if he kept fighting and let Sam call
for rescue. Safety is always #1, so when a message is this dangerous, nothing else matters.The amazing acting doesn’t matter, the beautiful foreheading doesn’t matter.The show just told us it’s ok to stop fighting & reinforced it by showing us Dean’s death.If you’re fine w/ that
& if that doesn’t trump (man I hate word now) everything for u, well I encourage u to think on why that is. There is a vast amount of scientific study and data on how & why story-telling impacts mental health and culture; “It’s just a show” or “just get over it bro...” isn’t an
argument that works, but does showcase the ignorance of the speakers who say things like that. I’m disgusted by the vast array of people that r so into the show that they r willing to compromise any kind of anti-suicide moral compass they might have for other themes they allowed
themselves to enjoy in the finale (as if anything after that was worth talking about more), & then try to ‘strangle’, silence, & dismiss the more intelligent side of the fanbase who voice their legitimate concerns about the obviously problematic themes & messaging in this finale.
Sam helped Dean killed himself but so many people didn’t care enough about that bc it was beautiful & well acted. But they also get in the way of fans who see the problems. WTF? Sam should’ve called 911, demanded a psych eval for Dean, & set up OP MH therapy for Dean once stable.
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