Owning the libs and McConnell by giving Democrats the 2 Senate seats in Georgia is quite possibly one of the stupidest things I've ever seen promoted by anyone. Truly galaxy brain level thinking.
McConnell is not going to lose his position as minority leader, no one from the RNC is going to get fired, the campaign staffers will still be in office, all GA GOP executive board members will still be in office. You achieve none of your goals by letting them win.
Want to win... primary them, create your own pac, run your candidates, take over state parties, send people to work at committees in Washington. Making Schumer majority leader doesn't do any of those things at all.
If the GOP loses, they should be blaming Karl Rove and the millions in bad ads he's put in Georgia. But because of morons who are saying "don't vote," you allow the blame to go to Trump and his voters.
So if you're a Republican go vote. The last time Democrats had a unified government they wrecked our healthcare system. This time they will do much much worse
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