All social media is dependent on the same thing: An algorithm

If you're not performing well on a platform it's because you're not doing what the Algorithm wants you to do. It's that simple.
I don't do well on Instagram. Why? I forget to post there and I can't figure out how to automate it through air table.
Why isn't my YouTube channel bigger? I post inconsistently because I get work inconsistently and sometimes I'm busy running a kickstarter campaign for a few months.

I have to live with that and that's okay! I'm not competing with anyone. I'm just doing my best.
Nobody ends up winning social media. The more your channels grow, the more work they become, if you don't think you can take the heat that comes with being in the public eye, that's okay! You don't have to want to be a big deal. I certainly don't want "real" fame. I am happy.
Sometimes I forget to update my website. Sometimes I neglect a social media account. I do a lot on Twitter because I have adhd and it helps me catalogue my thoughts while helping other people as well. I'm doing what I excel at and sometimes that's okay too!
Ultimately you should participate in the social media that makes you feel things and ask yourself questions about what you're looking for and how to achieve it. It doesn't have to be work related, maybe it's a new friend or a pet or a hobby. Just follow your heart, for real.
I have a small group of friends I play hearthstone with and they are absolutely incredible and supportive and I am very grateful to have them in my life and they helped change my relationship with social media to one that feels healthier than it was a month ago.
That said, if I post less than I used to, don't panic. I'm still doing cool things, I am just more focused on game design projects that I can't talk about. I will try to get some normal content in but with my mental health being shaky this last week I'm going to need some time.
The truth is, algorithms are hard to beat. They require consistency and dedication to the craft. @ellalovesbg @Lordeoftheboard @notasuperhero__ and @DannyPlaysGamez are all excellent examples of people who have grown their solo brants being consistent.
They put in the work.
They did the research.
They learned things in their free time.
They found jobs that enabled chasing their dream.
They reached out to the RIGHT PEOPLE for help.
They learned new skills!
(Even if it was just how to take a DAMN GOOD selfie, Daniel🤣)
When I met @ellalovesbg she was THRILLED to meet me. We shared one of the most intimate moments I've ever had with a stranger upon meeting them the first time. We both cried and we supported each other. I made an INSTANT friend that I will always be loyal to.
It's @ellalovesbg gigantic heart that I just adore about her. I love her take no shit, stand up for what's right, kick ass & take names attitude. She lights up a room when she walks in and carries herself with the confidence of a thousand white men.
The first time I met @DannyPlaysGamez I was completely in awe of his ability to command the energy in a room. There is no such thing as a sad person when you're in a room with Danny. Danny is the kind of friend everyone needs and he shows it every day by showing up!
I love that @DannyPlaysGamez is dedicated to speaking up, being positive but not toxic, encouraging everyone to live their best lives, and always bringing a smile to the table when he sits down to play a game. He's a magnificent leader and we're all so fortunate to know him.
I can not praise @Lordeoftheboard enough. Sam managed to pull off in a year what I have yet to pull off in three years and I am so fortunate to have watched him take this journey and reach out to all the right people and do the researched needed to be the best at his craft.
Sam took note of the landscape of the industry and then found where they felt they would fit. They use all of their skills and passions to create engaging, gorgeous, unique content for the board game industry. Board Games has @Lordeoftheboard and we are all SO damn fortunate!
You can follow @BoldBebo.
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