Dear fellow leftists, let's have a hard talk:

1. If you believe porn is inherently harmful, you're a reactionary

2. If you think the porn industry as a whole is evil, you're a reactionary

3. If you think bdsm is 'problematic', you're a reactionary

4. If you think sex work is inherently harmful in a black and white sense, you're a reactionary

5. If you don't believe children or teens should be able to safely explore their sexualities (porn), you're a reactionary

6. If you think CP is loli/shota, you're a reactionary
7. If you think policies designed to 'remove cp' from sites that ultimately target all porn is 'helpful' and actually removes cp, you're ignorant and reactionary

8. If you believe that removing porn from sites makes them 'safer' for children, see above
9. If you think people enable/bring about their sexual harassment for enjoying youthful/cutesy aesthetics or 'uphold the patriarchy', you're a reactionary

10. If you think men are hard wired for abuse and love from them should be met w/ skepticism, you're a reactionary
It's a new fucking year and I'm tired of us enabling reactionary rhetoric due to ignorance and misinformation unchallenged.

Of course elements of some of the #'s above can be harmful, but the issue is seeing them through a neo-conservative lens.

Let's talk.
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