Over the past few days, & weeks you might have seen my soul family & I talk about narcissists quite a bit. Why is that you might ask? Because it all goes back to the same source, the dark collective energy manifestations from those in the service of self mindset.
These beings & individuals are so far from the light (love) source that they're constantly chasing after temporary bliss, be it in the form of money, alcohol, drugs, sexual exploitation, anything to keep the root, sacral, & solar plexus chakra in distorted energy.
This is why you often hear "misery loves company". When someone begins to see past the temporary band-aid distractions & illusions, they are put to the test HEAVILY with this. This is where the often "diet woke" individuals come in, who are under an illusion themselves from
the service of self mindset but have failed to see it due to their inner energies being imbalanced. You hear "positive vibes only" "love & light only" etc from them because that is a temporary distraction from discovering the ROOT of the pain that is projecting outwardly.
But to one who is unaware & is freshly woken up, they don't think anything of it, & just think "oh man this person makes so much sense, they get me, why didn't I see this before?!". & so you form a friendship with them, not knowing about the ulterior motives they have.
The "friendship" goes on, you ask them questions about crystals, sage, tarot cards, etc & they can answer those questions off the bat, but when you ask them deeper questions, they suddenly turn against you & begin to attack you for wanting to know more.
Attacking doesn't always look like someone yelling at you for questioning or "talking back". Those in service of self typically go for manipulation & guilt trip passive aggressive tactics such as "well you can do what you want but just remember it's because of me that you
woke up to this & you wouldn't be at this level if it wasn't for me" blah blah blah. Here's where the trauma bond pattern comes into play, because this is likely a result of an inner child wound from someone holding something over one's head in this exact manner.
SO one is faced with a choice, do they break out of this pattern & leave this person behind who helped them in a physical way? Or do they stay out of LOYALTY (which is what the lower vibrational energies exploit & gaslight & abuse), but begin to lose themselves in the process?
This pattern in this discussion stems from some kind of root based sacral chakra trauma, be it inner child, ancestral, past lifetimes, younger years, etc.

If ANYONE tells you "you wouldn't be awake if it wasn't for me", I would highly recommend to cut that situation out.
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