Cleaning out my iPhone Notes since 2016 and there are tons of interest ideas and insights in there that I thought would be fun to share

Here we go...👇

This one from 5 years ago was similar to Klout

People love to compare themselves to others...Tons of data you could leverage
Jan 2016

Student Equity - AKA getting a piece of a students future earnings

Utilizing unused space for marketing, subsidizing costs (pre-dating @slice co-branded pizza boxes)
March 2016 - On how to start when you don't know how to get started
Aug 2016

Chrome extension that turns any image online into a custom printed item w/ 1 click checkout
Sep 2016 - @Letsjumprope like app with daily 2 minute tutorials that make learning new things simple and not overwhelming
Nov 2016 - Snapchat like geo-specific stories and location based social network
Dec 2016 - On prioritizing growth over money early on in your career
Jan 2017 - FB native influencer marketing ad platfrom
Feb 2017 - The AI-first era and how specialization limits your value and ability to spot opportunities (sorry for typos)
Feb 2017 - Idea Bank (3 ideas I was mulling at the time) Cool to see @SohoHouseGroup going deeper on point 2
March 2017 - On my belief that women and smarter than men and how they will one day make up the majority of my team (fast forward today and they do!)
March 2017 - I've always been interested in the idea of subsidized automobiles or transportation through marketing (here talking about opportunity to tie billboards you pass with online retargeting and subsidized Uber rides)
April 29, 2017 - The inspiration for @swaguphq's pack builder (we made our first sale June 2017)
May 2017 - "Companies fail when they spend more money trying to convince people to use their shitty product than they do making a product people actually want to use"
May 2017 - On the value of school (gives you the time/freedom to learn and think without distractions)and why I left (plus another related note form Sept 2017)
May 2017 - Lease finder app, skip the dealer and haggling, empower the consumer
June 2017 - On life lessons learned form my dad (life is short!)
June 2017 - On how to ensure deals keep momentum and get closed when facing competition
June 2017 - On creating your own relevance
June 2017 - Note to self..."Don't let the comforts of a slightly above average life get in the way of you reaching your full potential"
July 2017 - Note to self "Life's not meant to be lived in one place"
August 2017 - Once you experience something great, you want more, hence it's all about eliminating the friction to try the first time
August 2017 - Not going to lie this idea is still pretty 🔥

Take the best components from other sites and pull them into your project automatically (no-code)
September 2017 - Co-working/Co-Warehosuing facility for ecom entrepreneurs
Dec 2017 - SwagMarket - A marketplace for your favorite startup's swag
OK I'll stop there as there are way more notes than I thought 😅

If you liked these I can share the rest
You can follow @MichaelMartocci.
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