As a CPS parent and an elected representative, I am deeply concerned that CPS’ current reopening plan does not meet the district’s objective of increasing equity, and fails to adequately address a number of safety concerns identified by parents, students, and staff.
As the parent of CPS kindergartener, I understand the stress that remote learning places on working families, as parents juggle childcare and work responsibilities. (I know I wasn't planning for my second year in office to be spent working from home with a newborn + 5 y/o!)
But I have also watched firsthand as educators have worked tirelessly to make remote learning as enriching as possible for students, allowing students to continue to learn while staying safer at home.

(Thank you, Ms. Pacheco!)
During a fall briefing, CPS shared that some of our most vulnerable students weren't engaged in remote learning, and that their parents were interested in in-person learning.

But the reality is that CPS’s current reopening plan has not won the confidence of these parents.
In the most recent CPS survey, less than a quarter of CPS families opted for in-person learning.

Families of white students indicated an intention to enroll their children in in-person learning at TWICE the rate of families of black and brown students.
A successful reopening plan must inspire public trust through transparency, communication, and collaboration. To that end, CPS needs true buy-in from and collaboration with parents, communities, and educators ( @CTULocal1, @SEIU73).
Chicago’s educators know firsthand the challenges that students are facing. They should be a co-equal partner in crafting a reopening plan that is feasible, safe, and prevents burnout during these unprecedented times.
Proud to join a majority of my colleagues on the City Council on this letter regarding the CPS reopening plan.
You can follow @AldMattMartin.
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