The establishment should be careful about using the word “sedition” after being engaged in a non-stop seditious coup for the past 4+ years against @realDonaldTrump by:

Failing to prosecute Hillary Clinton for blatant felonies resulting from her use of an illegal email server.
2/ Knowingly funneling Clinton paid for Russian propaganda through our intel agencies.

Doctoring FISA applications to get illegal surveillance warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.

Illegally leaking bogus intel to the media and then citing it to justify phony investigations.
3/ Illegally leaking personal memos to the press [Comey] to prompt a Special Counsel.

Framing @GenFlynn for conducting routine [LEGAL] transition calls after Trump’s victory and hiding the original FBI 302’s, which prove he wasn’t lying to the FBI agents Comey sent to the WH.
4/ Using fake Ukraine “whistleblower” complaints [after quietly amending the official requirements to allow for second-hand hearsay + coordinating with Adam Schiff’s congressional staff].

James Wolfe illegally leaking the [illegal] FISA application to Ali Watkins at Buzzfeed.
5/ The Mueller Team illegally wiping their cell-phones and communication devices after conducting a 2+ year investigation that they knew was bogus on Day One.

Lying about the inclusion of the [fraudulent] Steele Dossier in the Intelligence Community Assessment [ICA] on Russia.
6/ Lying about confirmation that Russia hacked the DNC [there remains NO direct evidence to support this claim, which Crowdstrike’s CEO admitted].

Failing to obtain the DNC server to determine who “hacked” it + leaked the DNC emails ... or if it was hacked at all [it wasn’t].
7/ Illegally and immorally slandering Trump’s SC nominee Brett Kavanaugh of being a gang-rapist.

Lying about Trump’s comments on Charlottesville.

Dianne Feinstein unilaterally leaking the testimony of Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson so the coup-plotters could match stories.
8/ Bruce Ohr illegally funneling information from Christopher Steele to the FBI [through the DOJ] after they had terminated Steele as a credible source.

Accusing Trump of illegally using campaign funds to pay Stormy Daniels, a lie [she actually had to pay Trump’s court fees].
9/ Sham Impeachment based on the Ukraine “whistleblower” complaint.

Openly supporting destructive + deadly riots in our streets & then releasing perpetrators without charges.

Lying about Trump using “secret police” to quell Democrat funded and supported riots in our cities.
10/ And countless other disingenuous, illegal, immoral and seditious acts to undermine the entire Presidency of @realDonaldTrump, whom the American People elected as their Commander-In-Chief, leader of the most powerful, generous and blessed nation on earth [TWICE]. 🇺🇸
11/ This thread does not even begin to mention the “irregularities” and fraud that occurred in the 2020 election.
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