I'm not a racist, a bigot, a right wing extremist-terrorist, a homophobe, a liar, a conspiracy theorist, and I don't have a DSM-5 level obsession to 'own the Libs, at any cost,' and I don't dream up fake scandals to float. Thank God I don't see a con when I look in the mirror. https://twitter.com/erinotoole/status/1345761084569833472
I'm also not a cyber bully and stalker who relentlessly assails the PM and cabinet members with insults and accusations that are completely baseless. I don't repeat hateful brainwash rhetoric that will ultimately lead to some soft-headed right-wing terrorist making another run...
...at the PM, a member of the LPC or NDP or GPC, in an attempt to try and make a 'citizen's arrest,' or worse, harm them. I don't physically stalk members of cabinet at their constituency and then hurl insults at their staff, and spray paint vile words across the outside of...
...their building, and I THANK GOD EVERY DAY that when I look in the mirror, I DON'T see a conservative looking back at me.
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