People who don't support #ForceTheVote what exactly are you afraid of? (A Thread)
Almost every State during the Primary that had it #M4A the ballot had it win and since the Pandemic we've seen broad support for #M4A.
Republicans Congressmen and Senators will NEVER support ANY Healthcare reform. None. Zero. They didn't even support their OWN version of healthcare, heritage foundation backed Romneycare (Obamacare). You really think you're gonna win them over by pre-compromising to a PA?
Get real! Centrism is a con job. The "middle ground" comes form tough negotiations, where both sides go in strong and guns blazing. Not by one side meekly undermining their own goals and asking the other side to be generous.
Are you afraid that the media will smear them? Well boys and girls, they're gonna do that anyway. What do you have to lose? WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?
Let's say the bill gets voted down, you now know exactly who to Primary in 2022 and you have an energized and ANGRY base who is ready to fight tooth and nail to get it passed. You also have a unifying message. An actual goal to fight for.
This is not a "one and done" deal. This is going to be a slog. But we have to fight. We have to push. We have to force their hand and we MUST #ForceTheVote.

#M4A #NotMeUS #MedicareForAll #PelosiMustGo
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