(1)So when you are new in the country. first thing you do is to get all your papers ready like your sin #,your medical certificate and keep them safe.
(2) Then you go to the bank and open bank accounts get your first credit card normally it starts with 500-1000 dollars. So this is where so many new immigrants get into trouble. especially if no one has advised them on how to use it.
(3) So the new immigrant's will start using the credit cards and maxed it all. Then he/she will think the money belongs to them and they don't have to pay it back. In credit history there is something we call 30/60/90
(4) So 30 means 30 days and you are late in making the payments either pay in full or pay the minimum monthly payments.
(5) That will take me to 60 means two months you have missed the payments. If its one time usually not a problem. but where you will get into trouble is the 90 days when your credit history is reported and sent to the collection agency.
(6) When you fall into this category. Getting a loan from institutions becomes harder and harder. Because anytime you applied for a loan your credit history will be reviewed and once they see you missed payments and on collections they will denied you a loan.
(7) Then buying a car ,buying a house or buying expensive stuffs will become a nightmares for so many years to come. Its easy to ruin your credit but hard in rebuilding it and takes a long time to become a credit worthy again.
(8) Then when you are in this category now everything you buy is going to be either cash or your debit cards. Some jobs also required you to have a good credit standing.
(9) To concludes this thread. Please the best way to use credit cards especially if you are new in the country.
(1) Use the credit cards and pay it in full
(2) if you cant pay it in full pls pay the minimum payments.
which is usually like 10,20,30, or 100 dollars depending how much you have in the credit cards.

Please share and Rts it for those who are planning to migrates not just to Canada but to any develop countries that uses credit. Thank you and I apologies for any typos.
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