Quick thread about the upcoming đź’© show with Electoral College certification this week:
1. This is not 1876. This is *not a contested election. All 50 states have certified electors.
2. Any objection to electors by Congress requires majorities in *both* houses. Not happening. 1/
3. If House & Senate disagree on an objection, then it reverts to state certified results. See #1.
4. If objection relates to fraud, ZERO evidence has been presented in 7+ weeks since election. If objection relates to process (i.e. Hawley), then why not *all* results tossed? 2/
5. Cruz is arguing his commission could "set aside" the result. There is no provision for this at all.
6. There's no way this ends with Trump staying in office. His term ends noon on 1/20 regardless. Any delay in inaugurating Biden results in Acting President Pelosi. 3/
Trump's normal strategy of lying and hyperbole and suing his way out of losing can't work this time. It's sad to think supposed conservatives and Constitutionalists are willing to tank the Republic for the narcissist-in-chief just because he lost but here we are. 4/
It's over. For all the theatrics to come the next couple of days, Joe Biden will be president on January 20. Period.

But it will be something to watch, that's for sure. 5/5
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