Responding to public pressure, the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office released body-cam video Saturday evening of deputies conducting a late-night search of the family home of Dolal Idd.

Here's what the video shows. 1/16
The entry into the home begins at the 2:35 mark in the video: Deputies wearing military-style tactical gear knock loudly on the door and yell “Police, search warrant!” as part of a “knock and announce,” search. 3/16
Once inside, one deputy points his rifle up the stairs, as another yells, “Come on down.” A woman descends the stairs, followed by Bayle, who is shirtless. They keep their hands raised above their heads. 4/16
At 3:26, the camera begins to pick up the sound of a woman, off camera, weeping. The camera picks up a cacophony of voices, with some members of the family speaking Somali and others English. 5/16
At 3:44, a woman pleads, “We have kids upstairs, we have small children.” And then a small boy and a skinny teenage boy in a red shirt and warm-up pants descend the stairs. 6/16
At 6:06, a deputy on the stairs says, “Come on young man, come on down.” A woman interjects, “He’s a kid, can you guys bring him down?” The women, their voices growing frantic, explain that the boy has Down syndrome and can’t come down alone. 7/16
At 6:45, we begin to see the family’s 4-year-old boy slinking down the steps, bottom first. He sees his family on the floor and sits down at a deputy’s feet. The deputy wearing the camera grabs him, saying “Come here, big guy,” and hands him off to a woman on the floor. 8/16
By the 10-minute mark, the room has grown quiet. One of the Somali women asks, “You still can’t tell us anything?” And a deputy promises investigators will arrive soon with more information. 9/16
At about 13:43, one deputy tells another, “Let’s start zipping,” and they each start zip-tying—or binding—the hands of the adults. In response, one of the women asks, “Why do you need to do that?” 10/16
At 14:14, she asks again, “Is anyone able to tell us any info on why you have to zip us?”

A deputy responds, “That’s what we do. Everyone gets zipped. And an investigator will be in to talk to you.” 11/16
At 17:49, a woman asks deputies, “Can you guys please close that door please?” Cold air has been blowing into the house from the moment the deputies entered. 12/16
Then the deputy approaches the woman on the ground with the 4-year-old boy in her lap. She extends her hands and he zip-ties them, as the boy continues to hold her arm. 13/16
About 10 minutes later, a woman again asks the officers to close the door. “Please close the door while people are not covered.” It’s not clear if deputies respond on either occasion. 14/16
At 27:11, we hear deputies laughing, though it’s not clear why. 15/16
At 27:56, a deputy tells the law-enforcement officer wearing the camera, “Names was a tricky one,” to which he replies, “I got names.” 16/16
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