A few years later, I asked on #Twitter if people had a song, artist or music genre that boosts their creativity.

“It depends,” was the answer.

Indeed, certain types of music can stimulate creative thinking, depending on the kind of creative task. https://time.com/5626958/music-creative-thinking/
For instance, dubstep or other types of heavy and repetitive music seem to help coders focus. https://twitter.com/martinhalvey/status/228849449634521089?s=20
For some, listening to familiar music with lyrics helps them focus when #writing. https://twitter.com/koefoed/status/339809144716537859?s=20
I put instrumental music (jazz, electronic, lounge), or music with lyrics in languages I don't understand when #writing. https://twitter.com/AnkeBrock/status/372414457940430848?s=20
Others prefer #writing while hearing soundscapes in the background. https://twitter.com/nbhansen/status/1342841439030550533
My fave example of music in a language I do not understand to help me focus when #writing: @sigurros They sing partly Icelandic and Hopelandic, a made-up language that focuses on sounds. https://twitter.com/abellogin/status/159213164649652225?s=20
. @ebuie wrote a blog post exploring why some designers find it difficult to listen to music while #writing but helpful while #designing.

You can follow @andrikos.
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