Although this is nowhere near the most important thing that happened in this chapter ik power scalers are gonna have a field day with this one. Ima say it; Marco is not stronger than both of them just because he is holding them, even WB was....
...dmged by fodder.

This page support the notion of a prophecy, other wise how'd they know that it's gonna happen in this exact date? Why 20 years? There is no other reason than that Luffy is here now. Also, I don't think the journal has the info on what's the meaning of D is...
Because of what really said back in Shabondy; he said to Robin go on your journey and have your own conclusion. They were pirates and Robin is an archeologist her interpretation is gonna be different.
This was the most interesting portion of chapter for me. I don't think Luffy said he want to be king of the pirates, if so, why would Oda cut away? He said it a billion times. Also, Idt he said he'll bring the dawn to the world; that just doesn't seem like Luffy....
...Luffy doesn't want to be a hero, he wants to be the freest man in the world, but I honestly have no idea what he could've said here. But, I think it's something so simple to the point of being childish, but it's something grand.

On top of that, the second page is full of...
...dramatic irony; we obviously know that Yamato is talking about Roger, but Ace doesn't, which makes it really funny that he hates his father, but still wants to drink with him.
Going back to Yamato, and she gives Ace his vivre card that he later gives a piece of to Luffy.

The way Ace is waving to Yamato is similar to Roger's in chapter 968.

Again with the prophecy shit. If I had to make a guess to would be is that Luffy is Joyboy through...
...inherited will and not the reincarnation of him, which works really well with the themes of the story.
Luffy walking past Kaido and BM like they ain't shit is so fucking cool.

This is the emotional high point of the chapter; nobody is dead yet, but seeing Kin like this is just heart breaking; we've been with this guy since PH.....
....and to see him like this kills me.

Also, is it just me or does Law look upset for what happened to the scabbards? They're not friends, but they've been together for a long time, and I won't be surprised if this pisses him.
I don't have much to say about this page other than it's cool. The anime is gonna take this moment and elevate it to the next level with amazing voice acting and animation.
Last but not least the final page. The attack Red Roc is a reference to the mythical creature Roc, which is a mythical Arabian bird that was big enough to carry elephants with it's talons.

This is the most badass thing Luffy have done in the series just punching a yonko... his face and leaving the other in shock, then telling both of them that he's gonna take them down; after all, they're nothing but mere yonkos, and he's the man that's gonna become the pirate king.

Also, the way Luffy adjusts his hat is reminicate of Shanks in chapter 1.
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