This is the electoral vote count going into Jan. 6th:

Trump - 232
Biden - 222

On Dec. 14th, GOP electors voted for Trump and DNC electors voted for Biden in 7 states.

These states are UNRESOLVED.
These are the contested states:

PA (20)
GA (16)
MI (16)
WI (10)
AZ (11)
NV (6)
NM (5)

This makes a total of 84 electoral votes from 7 states UNRESOLVED.
The last time this happened in the US was during the 1876 Presidential Election between Samuel J. Tilden (D) and Rutherford B. Hayes (R).

Tilden won 184 electoral votes, one vote shy of the 185 needed to win, to Hayes' 165, with 20 electoral votes from four states UNRESOLVED.
Both Tilden and Hayes electors submitted votes from these states, and each claimed victory.

EXACTLY like the 2020 election.
In 1876, facing an unparalleled constitutional crisis and intense public pressure, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and the Republican-controlled Senate agreed to formation of the bipartisan "Electoral Commission" to settle the election.

A delegation of Republican senators, led by Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, announced on Saturday they are demanding the appointment of an “Electoral Commission”.
The 1876 Presidential Election is the BLUEPRINT for Trump's victory.

The 1876 Commission consisted of fifteen members: five each from the House and the Senate, plus five Supreme Court justices. Eight members were Republicans; seven were Democrats.
The Commission voted along party lines to award all twenty disputed votes to Hayes, thus assuring his electoral victory by a margin of 185–184.

Congress, meeting in a joint session on March 2, 1877, affirmed that decision, officially declaring Hayes the winner by 1 vote.

The 2020 "Electoral Commission" will have full investigatory authority to carry out a 10-day emergency audit of the Nov. 3 election results in the states where Trump and his allies have alleged fraud.
Vice President Mike Pence, who is expected to preside over the Electoral College certification proceedings as president of the Senate, signaled on Saturday that he "welcomes" their effort to "bring forward evidence" of voter fraud and irregularities.
Here's a reminder of the events that will take place Jan. 6th, 2021
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