- Tents in church, mall, school parking lots 7 days/week
- Staff to the gills, workers get hazard pay
- Allot a certain number of doses daily
- 6 am - 6 pm: HCWs and 60+ only
- 6-10 pm: remaining doses open to all

Seems doable with 1920s-level US logistical competence. https://twitter.com/LahavHarkov/status/1345616250832105473
Please do not @ with the piddling hurdles that prevent basic stuff from getting done in this pandemic. At a certain point, explaining the reasons for failure just becomes a rationalization for not bothering.
Cuomo arguably represents a deeper sign of rot than Trump, because instead of plain old obvious sneering neglect he manages to pass of his pandemic failures as righteous, and many self-respecting people believe him.
It seems plain at this point that we don’t — and not for lack of ability but, yeah, because of a million things we choose to let get in the way of just-get-it-done. https://twitter.com/pythonrocksnake/status/1345765419106398210
Somebody sit down whoever is running this vaccine s-show, tape their eyelids open and make them watch Apollo 13 and the “fill these boats, man” scene from Titanic over and over until they get it.
Give every town government grants
to pay HCW overtime, 20 thousand bucks to buy tents, chairs, gas heaters, and a pallet of Surface tablets at Walmart, and a subscription to AirTable and get the damn show on the road
You can follow @AriSchulman.
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