BGW18/DGW19 planning is clearly in full effect right now on #FPL Twitter, especially in terms of chip usage.

However, we know that there will be a DGW in 26 & a BGW in 29 that’s contingent on FA Cup.

How could that look?

The 5th round of the FA Cup will take place in the midweek between GW23 & 24.

Teams that win their ties advance to the Quarterfinals, which take place the same weekend as GW29. Therefore, those teams & their opponents will incur a blank in GW29. (1/2)
The midweek between GW26 & 27 does not have CL/EL KO round fixtures in it, so the teams impacted by the FA Cup-induced blanks in 29 will more than likely get a DGW in 26.

But how could those blanks & doubles look?

On the left are the GW26 fixtures, & on the right are the GW29 fixtures.

Many teams could get a highly attractive DGW in 26:
BHA (wba/NEW)
AVL (lee/shu)
WBA (bha/EVE)
EVE (SOU/wba)
FUL (CRY/lee)
LEE (AVL/ful)

How could these fixtures impact your chips?

Below, I will evaluate the benefits & pitfalls of using WC, BB, & TC around DGW26.
WC in 25

If you still have your 2nd WC in tact, GW25 could be a good time to play it. We will know the DGW/BGW situation by then. By playing it in 25, you can use a different chip for 26.

A number of teams also see their fixtures turn worse in 25, esp. ARS, CHE, & WHU.
BB in 26: When you think of a DGW, BB immediately comes to mind.

However, with the doubling teams blanking in 29, you may not have enough time to prep your team for the blank. It could be good if you don’t use FH in BGW18 & have it handy for 29.
The other thing to consider if you BB in 26 is if you load up on teams playing in CL/EL (LIV, CHE, MCI, MUN, ARS, LEI), there may be a decent amount of rotation. You may not get a full 180 minutes from those players.
TC in 26

If you don’t have FH for 29 but you want extra points for the double, TC in 26 could be the way to go. If you WC in 25, instead of getting 15 DGWs, you could do a more even SGW/DGW split to prep for 29 and TC in 26.
Of course, it would be helpful if your star players get an attractive double to make it beneficial. Based on my previous tweet, Kane, Son, Grealish, DCL, or Bamford could be good TC options for 26 if they get a DGW.
However, there could be other attractive DGWs later in the year:

Imagine a TC on Bruno in 37 of lee/FUL if they progress in EL & make the Carabao final.

Or KDB in 37 with SOU/bha if they progress in CL & make the Carabao final.

If 26 doesn’t have a good TC, don’t force it!
I hope this thread is helpful for planning your chips in 18/19, 26/29, and beyond. Every team is different & you have to do what’s best for you, so I hope this provided some food for thought.

Good luck!
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