1/ MASK WARS: Many people see mask requirements as a form of control, submission, and virtue signaling. This sentiment is growing for four primary reasons which I'll examine in this thread.
2/ The first reason more people are rejecting the calls to wear masks should be obvious: Millions of people have already been vaccinated. People believe that once they have immunity to the virus they should not be required to wear masks. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/
3/ The second reason more people are rejecting the calls to wear masks should be more obvious: Millions of people have already had the virus and cannot catch or spread the virus anymore. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?utm_campaign=homeAdvegas1
5/ The fourth reason more people are rejecting calls to wear masks is that 99% of the masks worn today aren't effective in controlling the spread of the virus. In fact, countries with lower mask compliance have lower excess death rates.
6/ Many of us are STILL wearing masks despite this because we fear violent confrontations from people who have been conditioned to believe that anyone not wearing a mask is a murder.
7/ We need to get to a rational place with regard to masks. If you are mask-believer and you see someone not wearing a mask the LAST thing you should do is confront them. If you think that person might have the virus it only makes sense to get as far away from them as possible.
8/ If you're a retailer instruct your employees NOT to physically engage with customers not wearing masks. If you do not want them in your store simply ask them to leave and if they don't either call the police or let them check out and leave. Never attack them.
9/ If you don't wear a mask as a form of resistance NEVER resist when you're with your children. You are an adult and can understand the risks you are taking, don't take those risks for your children.
10/ Personally, I wear masks when required to do so even though I can no longer catch or spread the virus and I focus my resistance efforts with speech. I can attest that I no longer shop in local stores (all Amazon now) as a result of the mask mandates...
11/ At the end of the day I hope everyone - those who embrace the mask and those who reject the mask - can learn to love one another again.
12/ Don't get me wrong, there are effective masks. They're N95 rates, tightly sealed around the face, and replaced regularly throughout the day. If you're wearing a real mask correctly it will be VERY uncomfortable. The cloth masks you reuse daily are useless.
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