We have a track record of correctly advising Speaker Pelosi:
1. The Jan ’19 government shutdown was a good chance to start impeachment
2. Our conference in Mar 2019 urged her not to delay
3. By Oct ’19, guardrails were necessary
4. By Dec ’19, consultation with us was critical
If she waited in Oct ’19 until guardrails could be put in place, or held onto the articles longer in Feb ’20, as we also advised, immediate impeachment/removal in Mar ’20 might have worked, when his mishandling of the pandemic became apparent.
She again has a chance start a process—any process, such as forming a Congress-appointed “other body” for the 25th Amendment, a new impeachment, or even just legislation punishing frivolous lawsuits—recognizing that Donald Trump’s pathology requires, above all, limit-setting.
Her purely political approach with a psychological matter cannot exactly be deemed a success. We should no longer be afraid that whatever methods we employ could be used against us when it is the unhinging from truth/reality that hurts us.
You can follow @BandyXLee1.
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