1. One of the least discussed factors of success is your choice of spouse.

I am reminded of this today because this is my 6th wedding anniversary. Here is a marriage thread.
2. A spouse is uniquely positioned to control your life. To lift you up or pull you down. To push you forward or hold you back. To trust and grow with you or settle. To spend all the money or build wealth. To ruin your life or make your life worth living.
3. I have been blessed with a spouse that always brought out the best in me and pushed me forward.

She trusted me to do things that I had no business doing, like acquiring a bunch of companies & real estate in my 20s with barely a clue.

(Like honestly what was she thinking)
4. Thinking back on those 6 years it is fairly easy to point to my spouse being a significant factor in my success.

When I was younger, I thought it was my own “investment prowess” or operational know-how but a terrible spouse could have made those things irrelevant.
5. Before we got married I was not an “ideal” partner and certainly undeserving of the spouse I received.

I have worked hard to be worthy of her trust and I take the privilege of being her husband at the prime of our lives seriously.
6. If you aren’t married yet, choose wisely.

If you are married, treat your spouse like they determine the course of your life - they do. The best investments I have ever made are the time, money and energy put into my marriage. The long term effects and dividends are real.
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