One of the... things about fiction & analysis is how people react to antagonists that kill people vs antagonists that abuse people
Someone said that it’s a case of some actions feeling more “real” to viewers — you will probably never meet someone who has killed people to attain eternal youth but chances are you know someone who abused their kid
There’s also that abusive villains tend to get redemption arcs while murdering villains don’t... I wonder why not. Would people be just as critical for a murderer’s redemption arc?

(K*lo R*n does not count)
There’s also this idea that redemption arcs are... not something characters should get? I understand that it may sound like a Christian thing but I don’t think it’s bad to show bad characters becoming better people
I realize XY came out 13 years ago but notice how people treat Lys*ndre, who literally tried to kill most humans and all Pokémon, vs Lus*mine
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