Housekeeping! Very boring and annoying post about post. Due to a number of factors (Brexit, *gestures at all of it* America, capitalism in a pandemic, and a 4th price hike from Royal Mail in a single year) we have had to put our postage up by quite a bit. Some things to note: 1/5
All of my postage rates were previously set at significantly less than it cost. In previous years it hasn't been an issue because you make it up with gig sales and it keeps merchandising accessible which is my dearest wish. That all changed with STNB!! 2/5
I have packaged and shipped literally 100s of records across the globe in the past two months which was totally unexpected. Given that gigging seems increasingly a distant dream of the future, I'm now running what is essentially a mail order business and I have to update 3/5
all of my rates and practices accordingly. It gives me absolutely no joy, and I'm sorry. I know this will price some folk out, so if you're struggling *please tell me* I will help. I've tried to mitigate and spread the worst of the increases around all the postage tiers. 4/5
In short, it now costs just shy of £20 to post one record to the USA which literally no one can afford, nor should they. So I've made UK and EU a little more than maybe some other retailers to try and bring that massive cost down. Plz don't be mad. FANKS. ☠️ 5/5
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