What I feel the Indian #CovidVaccine #vaccinations scene will be like

Government will used Oxford - AstraZeneca's #Covishield initially as the lead vaccine it is public vaccination program.

Eventually, I expect #Covaxin of Bharat Biotech to be the lead vaccine used by govt
At least one more Indian made #vaccine will get approval soon and will join the ranks of vaccines used by the government.

Will it be Zydus-Cadilla's #Zycov-D which is expected to complete trials and be ready by March 2021?
Eventually, the govt will (be forced to?) offer free vaccinations to all.

Afterall, @BJP4India did announce free #CovidVaccine for everyone in Bihar if they won.

But the waiting list will be long and it could take more than a year
Pfizer's #Comirnaty will be approved and will be used in private institutions for those wanting to jump the queue and are willing to pay

Russian #Sputnik will also be used in small quantities

Chinese vaccines like Sinovac and Sinopharm are unlikely to find a market in India
That brings us to the logistics of operation #CoronaVaccine in #India

1.3 billion population, half of which is below 25. 2 doses for everyone 16 years and older.

That is approximately 2 billion doses, give or take.

And that is not all.
There will be #vaccines provided as bilateral aid to a number of countries.

This number could be around100 million doses or even much more

Some countries will also get medical/ Army medical teams to train or even administer the vaccines
How big an exercise will it be to administer two billion #vaccine doses?

911 million were registered to vote in the 2019 general elections.

Countrywide Polio vaccination is also done regularly

In short, the scale, while the biggest ever, is not unknown or untested.
Perhaps this is something where the election commission can help with its past experience in conducting elections?

Maybe that has already been done.

Maybe a lot more people can be trained to administer the #covidvaccine so that the load on the health care system is minimized
One of the key challenges will be to identify those who have had one and those who have had two doses.

There is no one identity document that is common across this target population. #vaccinations #VaccineStrategy
Therefore, the government may have to depend on multiple documents -
Electoral identity cards (EPIC)
Jan-dhan bank account numbers
Aadhar and so on

Plus the good old indelible ink mark!

Using #aadharcard will come with its own set of challenges form those opposed to it.
Ultimately, the #vaccinations will be managed by the states, and each state will prefer its own way.

Expect some confusion, some tu-tu-mai-mai and some back tracking before things settle down.
Add to this the #vaccine nay-sayers, those who demand a specific brand and those who want to create trouble for their own reasons

In short, it will be a typical Indian scene - lots of sound and noise, but finally everything settles down.
In border areas and in #Kashmir , expect Army medical teams to step in for #CovidVaccine duty

Expect vaccines to be transported by land, sea and air, and even on elephant back as they do with voting machines!
Finally, here is hoping that the #vaccination goes off successfully and that we are able to put the #pandemic behind us once and for all
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