A THREAD on key ideas from the book "Exponential Organizations" by Salim Ismail:


New organizations are exponential because they took something scarce and made it abundant.

We like to think that thirty or forty years into the Information Revolution we are well along in terms of its development.

But, we’re just 1 percent of the way down the road. Not only is most of that growth still ahead of us, all of it is.

Any company designed for success in the 20th century is doomed to failure in the 21st.

The most important change for entrepreneurs versus a decade ago is the ratio of reach to capital.

Today, the reach of a startup is 100x larger, while the capital needed is one tenth that of a decade ago—a thousandfold improvement in just ten years.

An Exponential Organization (ExO) is one whose impact (or output) is disproportionally large—at least 10x larger—compared to its peers because of the use of new organizational techniques that leverage accelerating technologies.

The modern rule of competition is whoever learns fastest, wins.

When you move from point A to point B, you can then see point C.

But you can’t see point C from point A.

Iteration/experimentation is the only way.

Today, if you’re not disrupting yourself, someone else is; your fate is to be either the disrupter or the disrupted.

There is no middle ground.

The ultimate objective is what the Gartner Group calls a zero latency enterprise—that is, a company in which the time between idea, acceptance and implementation all but disappears.

The world now belongs to smarter, smaller and faster-moving enterprises.

When failure is not an option, you end up with safe, incremental innovation, with no radical breakthroughs or disruptive innovations.

As data becomes the new oil, many business models will be transformed from hardware to software to services.

Martin Seligman, a leading expert on positive psychology, differentiates between three states of happiness: the pleasurable life (hedonistic, superficial), the good life (family and friends) and the meaningful life (finding purpose, transcending ego, working towards...
... a higher good).

Research shows that Millennials—those born between 1984 and 2002—are showing an orientation towards seeking meaning and purpose in their lives.

Gamification should empower people, not exploit them.

It should feel good at the end of the day because you made progress towards something that mattered to you.

You have to be self-aware and look for that startup idea and purpose that is a perfect fit with you—with you as a person, not as a business[person].
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