1. Chinese billionaire Jack Ma has officially disappeared.

“The 56-year-old made his fortune after creating Alibaba, dubbed Asia's Amazon, and was once a favourite of the communist regime.”

The full article is in the link below:
2. Now why does the name Alibaba ring a bell?

Let me unpack how I came to discover Alibaba.

I was introduced to them via a Trump tweet in 2012, with what appeared to be a lazy typo.

Was it really just a lazy typo?
3. H/T to this FB account who may have been first in spotting these interesting connections.
7. After my searches into Alibaba, I also noticed too many spelling mistakes on social media, relating to the topic of missing kids.
10. Why so many 'coincidental' errors on key twitter posts?

- Why do they all have the same typographical error?
- What was really being communicated here?
- How long has Trump carried this load?
- Who really got to Jack Ma?

Was Trump's 2012 tweet really just another lazy typo?
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