#Khankendi looting or Khankendi pogroms is an act of mass looting and pogrom committed against the local Azerbaijani population on September 18, 1988 in the city of Khankendi, Nagorno-Karabakh region of #Azerbaijan. #DontBelieveArmenia
The cause of the incident was part of the process of ethnic cleansing of the local Azerbaijani population by #Armenian nationalists to take possession of Nagorno-Karabakh.
The atrocities committed by #Armenians in Khankendi on September 18, 1988 were organized and attended by Armenian nationalist emissaries from the Armenian SSR.
The first rally was held on February 13, 1988 in the central square of #Khankendi.
Khankendi Armenians tried to poison the water pipeline to Shusha. On February 20, two #Azerbaijani female students undergoing an internship at Khankendi Central Hospital were raped by #Armenians.
On May 14, 1988, Azerbaijanis held a rally in #Shusha attended by 5,000 people. The rally demands an end to the attacks by #Armenian militants. On May 16, 1988, Armenians beat a group of Azerbaijanis in Khankendi, collected them in a car and sent them to Shusha.
September 18, 1988 was written in history as the day of the next Armenian atrocities. On that day, armed Armenians attacked the houses of Azerbaijanis living in #Khankendi. Azerbaijanis' home phones were also cut off as the raid was planned in advance.
Separate armed groups led by Major Shahbazyan, head of the public security department of the Khankendi city police department, took control of the houses inhabited by Azerbaijanis. The first task of these criminal groups was to burn the houses of #Azerbaijanis.
On September 18, a total of 63 houses were set on fire in #Khankendi. More than 270 houses were looted in the city in two days #DontBelieveArmenia
After this incident, the USSR leadership saw that the situation was out of control.On September 19-21, Azerbaijanis were relocated from #Khankendi to #Shusha, accompanied by servicemen. With this process, the process of ethnic cleansing of #Azerbaijanis from Khankendi began.
Anti- #Azerbaijani rallies in #Khankendi, February 13, 1988
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