Solidarity with the NEU. This is the most important lesson they can teach their pupils - to stand up for themselves.
The consequences for working parents, and especially working mums are severe but are not of teachers’ making. Continually adapting to neoliberalism’s insistence on “normality” in a time of crisis is absurd.
And the NEU’s plan is providing for those children who would genuinely be badly affected by school closure. Again, “normality” does precious little for those children. It’s not teachers’ fault if schools have become primary social care sites. Children deserve better.
It’s not reasonable to expect teachers - on teachers’ salaries, with teachers’ workloads - to continue with this level of risk in the present circumstances. Treating healthcare and social care workers like shite was the thin end of the wedge. Resistance is essential.
All workers have a right to the best possible mitigation of the inevitable risks of COVID. And teachers - like so many other key workers - haven’t had anything of the kind. Good on them for pushing back.
Also, if you’re worried your boss will abuse you for taking time to mind your kids in a pandemic #joinaunion
Solidarity with teachers because they are taking a lot of the anger that should be directed at a wider system which has failed every possible stress test, this one included.
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