I have just listened to Macron's speech that caused so much controversy about the supposedly draconian, even "fascist" measures he plans to introduce to fortify French secularism. I now know that none of those accusing him of bigotry have listened to it.
If you don't speak French, there are autogenerated subtitles. I didn't use them--je parle francais, mes amis--so I don't know how good they are. I plan to talk about the speech in more detail in an upcoming #TwoForTea ☕☕🎧interview with @fred_connection but a few points now.
The most controversial thing -- which I heard compared to tattooing people & sending them to concentration camps -- was a ban on homeschooling, except for health reasons. You may disagree with this, but pulease. This is not fascism.
The other main measures proposed: all mosques (& other religious organisations) claiming non-profit status will have to disclose the sources of their funding; no hijabs on children at school or (more controversially) teachers at state schools;
French imams to be trained & certified in France (rather than Saudi Arabia) by the French Muslim Council & required to sign a charter declaring allegiance to some basic secular principles, such as non-violence & equality of the sexes.
Along with the concrete measures, there was a heavy emphasis on doing more to make young French Muslims feel like part of society: combatting ghettoisation, poverty, unemployment. Also, teaching Arabic, Islamic culture & history at schools & universities.
Strong support for reformist Muslims and for more enlightened forms of Islam. What I especially liked: Macron didn't pretend that this is about imposing French culture on people. I hate it when people talk about certain cultures as good or bad in a block.
This was a rousing defence of multiculturalism, ungirded by some basic human rights and liberal principles that are good not because they are French but because they benefit humanity & should -- inshallah -- spread across the globe.
Two things he was especially strong on: Macron acknowledged that the Islamist community organisations have provided services that the French state *should* be providing & have failed to (e.g. elder care). And also that the issue isn't just violence: it's homophobia, misogyny etc.
Disclaimer: my French isn't perfect. Hopefully, @fred_connection will correct me if any of these details are wrong. But basically, it was a great speech.
PS Obviously, all laws, measures, etc. apply equally to all religions. But, as Macron himself points out, it would be silly to pretend that people from all religions are equally likely to be radicalised at this point in history.
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