What did #NeverTrump accomplish? Practically, I am not sure if anything (I think there are reasonable arguments in either direction). But one long term impact is, I think, indisputable. When this era is looked back on, they will be very clear evidence that going along with...
...a wannabe dictator was a choice. Almost everyone, from all parts of the party, fell in line with someone who wanted to ban an entire religion from the country, promoted war crimes, was blatantly incompetent, and an obvious authoritarian...
...who cared nothing for the Rule of Law. But there was a small slice, from the moderates and from the conservatives, who resisted. The resistance makes plain that people had a choice. People didn't have to choose this.
Romney's impeachment speech may be the moment I look back on more than any other in this era, because in a handful of minutes, he captured this spirit: "though all about me call for me to join in a lie, I will not, I can choose otherwise."
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