let me make a thread of covid things that helped us. purchased everything from the pharmacies ✨
- vitamin c (1500mg per day)
- zinc (70mg)
- vitamin d (since you’re also gonna be indoors a lot)
- vitamin b1 (thiamine, or b12 for energy. b complex is also fine)
- paracetamol
- probiotics (reuterina was advised)
- an oximeter (if your oxygen levels dip below 90%, it’s time to go to hospital. R500 from dischem)
- a humidifier (used a cold air one from dischem - just to put moisture in the air at night)
- vicks/aboniki balm (to steam with 2x daily)
things you may need a script for:
- azithromycin (antibiotic)
- prednisone (if you have a lot of congestion)
- q tuss or prospan cough medicine (OTC?)
- andolex

i was advised to get iron supplements once you’re asymptomatic. also if anyone gives you chloroquine, DONT DO IT.
daily routine:
- ~8am. morning smoothie (we struggled with solids& appetite a bit so a smoothie was an easy way to consume& get energy)
- morning hot water flask (only drink warm fluids)
- morning lemon/ginger/honey (not the granule one) tea or ribena (google it. helped w energy)
- i used ribena or powerade for electrolytes but powerade may not always be advisable for someone sedentary. all day.
- potentially a solid breakfast of oats or ogi (nigerian soft porridge).
- ~12pm lunch. things like pepper soup or fish stew and rice.
- ~5pm garden walk
garden walk was nb for fresh air and just to stretch the muscles. because of fatigue and lacking appetite, you can lose a lot of weight/muscle mass quickly.
- fruit snacks throughout the day (apples/bananas)
- ~6pm dinner.
- night time steam, medication if needed & sleeeep
things like checking oxygen levels, BP and temperature were done at least 3 times a day. those vitals are important. paracetamol can help with a fever and headache and sometimes your oxygen can dip as your BP spikes if you’re anxious so just keep monitoring.
things like fatigue tend to persist beyond 14 days and a cough may niggle in your throat but it is normal. luckily no one lost their sense of taste/smell but i know those vary in how long they last but a lack of appetite takes a while to come back. push through anyway
but yeah i’m probably forgetting a thing or two because everyone’s case is different. these were what we did to treat symptoms of fatigue, headache, eye ache (a real thing!! esp for glasses wearers), lack of appetite and a cough.
my advice? take your vitamin regime anyway. i never actually tested positive but because i was a caretaker in a positive household, i was taking all of the vitamins & supplements anyway (& have been for months now) & that definitely helped me & i was negative by the end of it!
building up a strong immune system is seriously underrated. you know the phrase “you don’t have to get ready if you just stay ready”? something like that. this virus can manifest and do whatever it wants but at the very least, make sure you’re as prepared as you can be.
wear your mask. sanitize and wash your hands. keep your distance (my christmas present was hugging my mom as her isolation period ended! 🥺). stay at home as much as possible. help each other as much and as safely as you can ❤️ hope this thread is helpful.
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