Straight Talk About the New Variant COVID-19 Strain. As much as I regret saying it just when so many need & deserve a break, the new variant COVID-19 strain is a serious problem. It’s likely a matter of time before it arrives here & we need to beware & prepare. Here’s why. 1/
All viruses mutate resulting in new strains that vary from their ancestors. These are called variant strains. Most coronavirus mutations don’t fundamentally change how the virus behaves or affects us. 2/
However, at least one newly recognized strain, often called B.1.1.7., “SARS-CoV-2 VOC 202012/01” or an "N501Y" strain, has been shown to have multiple mutations that are changing the way the virus behaves in important ways. 3/
This B.1.1.7. variant has been found in many countries, most notably the UK, & in several US states but not in Washington state yet, although it may very well be present at low levels & undetected. Once it hits a critical threshold, it will spread rapidly unless we slow it. 4/
Most important to know at the moment is that the new strain spreads more easily (that is, faster) than other strains - it’s more contagious. This means if exposed, your risk of becoming infected is higher with the variant strain than with the previous strains. 5/
And if infected with the variant strain, you are more likely to spread your COVID-19 to others. Each person infected with the variant strain spreads it to more people than they would have if infected with previous strains. 6/
Some good news: at this time, people infected with the variant strain don’t seem to have more severe illnesses than with previous strains. And it’s likely that vaccines will still be highly effective (although this needs to be monitored). 7/
However, faster spread leads to more people becoming infected in a shorter period of time, and that’s dangerous. A rapid increase in people with COVID-19 causes fast-growing outbreaks & more people infected means more requiring hospitalization & more people dying. 8/
This can increase suffering in our community & overload our healthcare system, further increasing the danger for bad outcomes from COVID-19 & from other serious medical problems if hospitals can’t provide their usual level of care. 9/
👉This is important: THE VARIANT STRAIN SPREADS THE SAME WAY as other COVID-19 strains, IT'S JUST BETTER AT IT. For this reason, WE NEED TO GET BETTER at the same effective ways of stopping the spread until enough of us are vaccinated. 10/
That means decreasing activities & the number & duration of contacts w/others outside the home (keep it brief), always wear face masks when around non-household members indoors, avoiding crowded/poorly ventilated indoor spaces, improving ventilation in homes & workplaces... 11/
...keeping 6 feet distance (or more when possible), & paying attention to environmental cleaning & hand washing. Consider looking onto germ-killing UV technology for buildings in addition to improving ventilation (see CDC site below). 12/
If you’re exposed to COVID-19, please quarantine & if ill, isolate. Please don’t go out - to work, socialize or elsewhere - if you’ve been exposed or have symptoms. Travel is risky – best to avoid it if you can but if you must, take precautions including quarantine & testing. 13/
Remember COVID-19 can spread from people that look & feel well. Don't let your guard down around friends or relatives just because they look healthy - they may not know they are infected but can unintentionally spread COVID-19. 14/
Ultimately, vaccination is our best defense but at this time it can’t be our only defense. When you are able, get vaccinated to protect yourself & others. Will update as more information about the variant strain is available. Some key resources follow. We can do it. 15/
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