Let’s carry this fiasco onto the world stage and look at the damage unfolding there. The visible destruction of American democracy and the rise of fascistic thinking in America legitimizes Putin’s 20 year autocratic putsch in Russia, Lukashenko’s dicatorial power grab in Belarus https://twitter.com/steveschmidtses/status/1345522669425471490
after forging election results there, forcing Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, the opposition leader widely regarded to have won the election, into exile in Lithuania, and Jair Bolsonaro, who has loaded his government with former army officers, opposes human rights, and continues
to recklessly destroy the Amazon rain forest at a rate that will doom this planet to slow suffocation and extinction if not stopped very, very soon. The lack of true leadership in this country during Trump’s presidency has caused completely preventable famine in Africa,
growth in Iran’s nuclear arms industry, and horrific human rights abuses of BIPoC all over the world, on our borders, and here at home. All this piled on top of 40 years of Republicans systematically underfunding education in America, and the rise of the corporatocracy, who
are concerned only about profit without regulation, who control the news, who cares nothing for workers or a functioning ecosystem, and the autocrats, wherever they lie, in government or industry, have ensured a population unfit to participate meaningfully because they don’t have
enough information to do so. The death of democracy and the rise of authoritarianism on a world scale is dooming this planet to complete and total annihilation. THIS is what’s at stake.
So what do we do? As Americans, we can only start at home, and hope that by example, we can once again be leaders in the world. But we cannot continue to do more of the same. Time and again in history, when society has reached this point, we have collapsed, to the great detriment
of ordinary people like you and me. And afterward, every time, we’ve made minor adjustments to our systems and commenced the healing process, until once again we find ourselves in the same hot water, and history repeats.
But this time is different: this time, we are in the brink of ecological disaster so great that we are on the brink of planetary extinction. Yes, I get it. It sounds overwrought. It sounds absurd. But climatologists and ecologists overwhelmingly are warning us that we are in
grave and relatively immediate danger of just this.

Humanity, it is time to stop.

Stop EVERYTHING. And by everything, I mean absolutely everything that grows these massive inequalities in the human condition as a whole because everything we do right now contributed to our
destruction. Our politics, our economy, our fighting, on a worldwide scale, and if the United States of America truly wants to lead, then we must do it first so other nations can learn from our example.

And once we’ve stopped, we need to start again with one focus ONLY:
The continued survival of life on earth.

We can do this by redefining economy and government to serve and protect life without waste. Instead of an economy based on a monetary standard where goods are produced for corporate or individual profit,
let’s adopt a standard where goods and resources flow according to human need, directed by a government that can gain no personal benefit from that direction nor set rules governing that direction. As a people, using all of our scientific resources, let’s form a nation where
our work and industry go toward producing just enough, so that everyone has enough, and nothing is wasted. Let’s use machines to reduce our work. Let’s order our productivity, our resource consumption and our waste processing so that we are not consuming more than is renewable.
Let’s create a new system of society where people can truly be equal because we eschew PROFIT.

The earth is a zero-sum equation. We have been consuming resources far faster than the Earth’s ability to replace them, at a rate of consumption of 27 earths!
We have been raping our future by overconsumption, with all the concomitant pollution, and we’ve run out of time. Let’s STOP NOW and in the Biden presidency, let’s design a new way of living and show the world how it’s done. Let’s be TRUE LEADERS once again.
For more information, please research #ResourceBasedEconomy. Er only have a few years left before it’s too late, and we start the slow but inevitable decline and death of humankind and all life extant in the world.
Despite what religion or personal belief tells us, we don’t know why we are here, or why life exists. But if existence has taught us one thing, it is this: that we persist. So until we do figure out the meaning of life, let us, each one of us, choose to persist.
Let’s adopt a #ResourceBasedEconomy and a government of resource management, for the purpose of survival. It’s not too late, but we must start now.
You can follow @FullofRuth.
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