I was this kid in this exact same scenario where I was hungry and my father wanted to play abusive games with food and a can opener. It's abuse under the guise of "teaching". This man needs therapy.

It's not teaching.

It's not cute.

It's not funny.

This is abuse. https://twitter.com/johnroderick/status/1345508384011816960
In my story, I spent three hours with the can opener, gave up for a bit and took a nap because I developed a headache, and came back to it.

We skipped lunch.

I spent another hour struggling because I didn't grok the positioning of the tool.
I figured out the positioning as we neared dinner time, but, not very surprisingly, didn't have the hand/forearm strength to press down properly.

My dad found this extremely funny.
After we skipped dinner I took another break. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Mom wasn't home. Dad wouldn't let me go to the kitchen by myself to get anything to snack on.

I was on hour nine, in frustrated tears, being mocked, before I figured it out.
Dad was super ~proud~ of me. He told the story to all his pals at the coffeeshop, alongside a dose of "she was so clueless!". He said I had really kept at it, not really mentioning he had refused to let me eat.

My arms hurt for days. I had cut myself on the can, too.
When I encountered a manual can opener at my grandma's house a few weeks later, I burst into tears because I didn't know how to use it (different model). She was VERY confused, and also shocked when I explained to her why.
She took five minutes, showed me how to use hers, and let me practice as we made dinner. I remember her hands on mine: soft and patient. I got the hang of it after 30 minutes and we finished cooking together and she taught me how to chop onions.
I'm tired of men's stories about ~teaching their children~ that act like cute anecdotes when in reality, they're abuse disguised.

I wonder what the story might be like from the kid's perspective. This is mine.

I was eight. And my grandma was a much better teacher.
I muted my thread and went off to enjoy the rest of my birthday and the dude kept doubling down? And now—

I just....wow. 😂
Bean Dad has been (temporarily, as I'm sure he'll come back once he sees someone else has taken his Main Character of Twitter title) shamed into hiding, but the Internet is forever. https://twitter.com/ManiacalV/status/1345870405085573122
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