Women across the world have been fighting for their rights, being told they can't achieve something throughout the ages and in regards to Sikhi, what haven't Sikh women achieved? Being still told in our communities that we aren't good enough for certain roles +
Being taught our duties, needing permission from male counterparts or being taught to need their protection of our Izzat/Honour, in each and every home I see the differences of gender that aren't natural but systematic. I see how our voices are silenced. +
I see how men get to define what equality means, how the label of feminism is only good when women are still below men. When women rise, they are nothing but deluded, egoistic and lustful. It's always about appealing to the male gaze, +
what suits their eyes, what becomes defined as "slutty", what becomes too opinionated. Our emotions regarded as weaknesses, our clothing regarded as a weakness. Everything about us is a weakness, the need for women to become more man-like to gain respect... +
Yet being shamed if we want similar rights, or if we don't want to follow "feminine roles", being taught to know our place, always less than a man. Sexism and misogyny exists, in this world, in our Panth. +
All the men get a say how Guru Sahib Ji defined women except women themselves. If Guru Sahib Ji could criticize the Mahapurakhs of then, surely they wouldn't hesitate to criticize their Mahapurakh Sikhs either. +
Hatred isn't part of Sikhi, no one is less or more. The Gursikh who adopts the 5 virtues is without gender, color, or even religion. (Meaning they can be of any gender, color or of any religion, and they don't discriminate). Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
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