A glimpse into life under the New World Order

•Population of 500k maximum.
•Antichrist will rule from the third temple in Israel (Horus pretending to be Jesus Christ).
•United Nations is the One world government.
•Israel is the capital of the NWO.
•Peasant population lives in housing provided by Corporations.
•You don’t own anything, services will be denied to you if you go against the rules.
•No one will be outside unless it’s to get to work
•Encryption is nonexistent for the average joe
•Surveillance will be widespread they will even let you know they are listening through your phone and will arrest you for saying something against the GOV.
•Technology will be everything robots will take over majority of the jobs, for example you want a coffee from Starbucks a
machine that is facing outside of the building will make the drink completely for you.
•Seeing another human will be extremely rare, the ones you work with will be so zombified and will not even express emotions.
•Elites sacrifice humans openly, for example you talk about a
conspiracy they will sacrifice you on live media and people will praise the sacrifice. The elites will tell the public you are a terrorist or something along those lines.
•The internet will be completely locked down and censored, you will only be able to use the services they
provide you...you will not be able to create your own website. All their websites will be completely monitored.
•Society purges, if you rebel against their rules you will be purged and left in a world without any resources. If they do decide to keep you alive.
•RFID chip that
will hold your cryptocurrency wallet, your entire life, personal information and will be your ID for everything in the NWO including the internet. The RFID can be shut off at a glance. The Saudis even talked about designing an RFID that holds poison in it so they can remotely
kill the person.
•Human interaction will be completely digital, you will only be able to interact with other humans through virtual worlds and social media.
•If you do something against the rules they will publicly shame you, for example they will let everyone know your weird
kink porn or they will even go to the length of creating deep fakes of you doing weird shit.
•Nature will be nonexistent, they will create fake nature.
•No more natural foods, all of the foods they feed you will be completely lab created.
•The housing designed by corporations
will have surveillance in them, Speakers, Alarms that you cannot control.
•Practicing any religion will get you purged and killed.
•Citizen score that is more intense than chinas, your online interactions can increase or decrease this score.
•Computers, video game consoles and
smartphones and other electronics will all be connected to cloud computing, you will not own a device with actual physical components such as ram, cpu, graphics cards.
•Guns, Knives, and anything that can be used as a weapon will not exist for the average joe. You will not even
own cooking knives in your house.
•24/7 Advertisements everywhere which are unmuteable, unskippable, unstoppable, constantly playing and will be playing in the provided corporate housing.
•Friends, family and relatives will start disappearing without you knowing why. (The order will take them for sacrifice or other purposes.)
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