Yes! Many of us have been working to shift the paradigm, to have an equitable evidence base and responsible use of biomedical interventions in pregnancy, including @pregnancyethics @riekevdgraaf @FrancoiseBaylis @fadenethx @annelyerly @anetrid + many many more. Some resources:
Ethics guidance on fair, responsible and just inclusion of the interests of pregnant women and their offspring in epidemic vaccine research: 
actionable #ethics guidance for advancing responsible HIV/co-infection research with pregnant women. 
CIOMS international research ethics guidance - guideline 19
The ethics consensus is clear that we do a grave injustice to pregnant people & their offspring by excluding them wholesale from research - in many cases also threaten public health. Exclusion requires justification based on unfavorable risk-benefit and should never be default
We’ve been making progress but still a long way to go to ensure an appropriate and equitable evidence base to guide use of products in pregnancy and timely access to beneficial preventives and treatments in pregnancy
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