As we all have seen, “antifa” has come to be a catch-all term for all manner of leftist organizing. While it is true that antifa is an ideology, we are writing this thread to add some clarity to the term and open up discussion on the purpose of antifascism.
RCA narrowly defines “antifa” as political work researching & directly opposing fascist organizing. To us, "antifa" describes the *activity* of doing antifascism.
“Antifa” has been used by others to describe, among other things: liberal antiracism, anticapitalism, a lifestyle, black bloc, and even the experience of being a new activist. While any of these people can be antifascists, it is different from doing antifascist work.
This doesn't mean that there aren't a wide array of tactics for resisting fascism and keeping our communities safe. But when journalists and politicians paint with a broad brush, it creates a danger to all of us by villainizing and flattening all forms of resistance.
When people describe all kinds of leftism as antifa, it dilutes the term & minimizes the importance of all of the other philosophies & activities that are NOT antifa.
For example: over the summer, political figures & media described BLM as antifa to minimize the work of Black activists & organizers. The orgs may have been antifascist too, but what they were creating was a liberatory movement that should be focused on in its own right.
We understand the drive to use the words already being plastered on activists, but we think it is important to define your terms accurately. It allows people to understand actions & their intentions.
Fighting fascism is critical & requires specific application. But it is not the only work that is being done, nor is it as broad as Ted Wheeler seems to think. Different tactics of resistance should be given their own credit.
You can follow @RoseCityAntifa.
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