BREAKING NEWS: Top Trump Adviser Falsely Claims That Pence Can Move the Date of Congress' Certification of Electors and That Trump Can Move Inauguration Day and Unilaterally Extend His Presidency; Trump White House Thus Veers Even More Steeply Into Actionable Seditious Conspiracy
(PS) Understand that what we are hearing from Navarro is a *confession* that these matters have been discussed as an ambition inside the White House. What this means is that any action taken by Trump to move toward this ambition is an act in furtherance of a seditious conspiracy.
(PS2) Do not forget the attorneys who told us for years that everything Trump is doing is legally fine. And do not forget the attorneys who told us for years that what Trump is doing is *not* legally fine. History should record those who chose an air of normalcy over rule of law.
(PS3) Certain folks—including certain lawyers—had a sense not from constitutional/statutory interpretation but from years of watching films and from their own fevered imagination of what seditious conspiracy looks like. Well—this is what it looks like. What's happening right now.
(PS4) Inside the White House, Trump is discussing with advisors how to extend his presidency beyond January 20 via executive order. We now know this from one of those advisors.

The only question is whether he or others have taken acts in furtherance of this seditious conspiracy.
(PS5) I think everyone reading this feed understands that Trump has no authority whatsoever to extend his presidency. The presidency must/will pass to Biden on January 20. I'm relaying what Trump and his coconspirators are plotting—*not* what the law allows. Don't get it twisted.
(PS6) So no "counter-move" is required to turn aside this vain hope of Trump and his advisors. The question that must be asked, rather, is whether Biden's DOJ must investigate/prosecute Trump and his coconspirators for seditious conspiracy via a special counsel. That's the issue.
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