I don't believe in the future of the United Kingdom. I don't believe it even has a future to speak of. How can it when I, like many others who live here are reminded everyday of the constant failures that successive Westminster governments have wrought upon us for decades
I don't think that clever or big words are needed to really describe how I feel & what I believe to be true in my opinion at least. The UK has its feet firmly planted in the past, in an age of expansion & empire. Those days are gone. Long gone. But still they cling on desperately
I can look back at the history of 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 & be fascinated with it, a history rarely taught or even known to many here. But it doesn't define who I am, doesn't define my politics or what I believe a modern & progressive 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 has to work toward. Looking back will only get you so far.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 has a rich political history, one that has influenced many not just at home, but across 🇬🇧 & beyond. And today is certainly no different with the ever increasing support for Welsh Independence being a prime example of the desire for genuine political change across-the-board.
This year, the Senedd Cymru has its most important set of elections since the devolution Yes vote. A set of elections that in the eyes of many will be a showcase for the intent of independence supporters across all parties. But it's not the end of the road by any means.
For all its criticisms, for all of its flaws and its detractors, I belive in our Senedd & i belive win the institution for which it stands. Who sits in & runs it though can be less than ideal but that's something we can impact in positive ways at the ballot to make REAL change.
The belief that Wales should not & can not manage its own affairs are nonsensical & insulting. Always spoken with an agenda of not wanting to debate but rather the opposite. This is why these Senedd elections will be a strange one with even stranger bedfellows.
The three largest parties vying for the win will be a Plaid Cymru, Welsh Labour & the Tories in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. PC being pro indy, Labour being a heavily indy supporting voter base but pro-union party & the Tories being a staunch unionist party that walks the line of being pro & anti Senedd.
What the majority of the supporters of these parties & others have in common is the belief that the Senedd is a force for good in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿, regardless if they are for indy or not. For all supporters of it & their parties, strengthening & renewing support will be the key objective.
Its not my place to tell you, the voter who to choose on your ballot come the elections this year. I will be voting for the party I believe fits my hopes for an independent Wales. All I can ask is that we speak to each other with the respect needed to enhance IndyWales talk.
That could be the case for many, choosing to "lend their vote" to further the message of an indywales or to send a message of change for their own. Who knows, this is mostly speculation on my own part. But as long as we make indy🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 a place a positivity for all, we will succeed.
The best decisions that can be made for Wales should be made in Wales for the benefit of all its citizens. We have to be the antithesis of what a regressive, discriminatory & backwards dreaming of empire, days gone UK has refused to move on from. We can refuse to be the same.
I can go on about my own hopes & aspirations. I can talk about how the issues we face in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 most likely will continue after indy but at the end of this. Isn't it better for us to be the ones who make the mistakes, the ones whose failures are their own as much as thw successes?
I'd rather work harder to achieve an independent Wales, with all its flaws that continue to be out of broken British state that refuses to believe it has any & refuses to me peace with its own past because its scared for its future because it knows it's on borrowed time.
No amount of reshuffling the deck with talks of federalism/devo max will change the viewpoint for me that in the face of a resurgent "one nation" mindset from a Tory government intent on rolling back the years to remove devolution from those outside of the Westminster bubble.
Its nearly half two in the morning by the time I finish this. Its been on my mind all day & I've struggled to find the words, even now I probably could have written more or less. Despite the differences that exist, understand we have a common goal of securing indywales. Nos Da!
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