Also, I think the vaccine distribution in black communities is not gonna go well. I’m not a medical professional or scientist so don’t listen to me. I’m just basing this on the conversations I’ve been having with friends, acquaintances and even colleagues.
I can’t even count how many of my relatives or friends who have been posting fake info and anti-vaxx propaganda on social media. I’ve stopped responding with links to info that debunk their posts. They’re not interested in real info.
I‘ve had friends and relatives tell me they “heard” something or forward me something about the vaccine with half the context missing and then when I follow up with reputable info they go silent.
I also can’t count the number of family and friends and colleagues that have flat out told me they’re not getting the vaccine. Many of them say they don’t want covid injected into them. I’ve tried to explain that’s not what the vaccine is.
Tonight, a friend told me they’re not getting the vaccine bc they think their immune system is strong enough to protect them & that if they haven’t gotten it yet, they won’t get it.

Meanwhile, one of their relatives was found in an apartment dead from covid at home 2 was ago.
Meanwhile, the Trump supporters that lied about the pandemic being fake, refused to wear masks, and encouraged others to disregard guidelines are getting the vaccine or scamming so their friends and family can get the vaccine. Because they know it’s real.

But my people...
We’re still out there talking about taking elderberry to ward off covid and refusing to get vaccinated.

And I’m not dismissing the valid fears people have. But it’s not just fear driving this. It’s ignorance too.
Also, the same friend told me tonight that they saw that someone died last week from the covid vaccine. And I said where? They didn’t know. source? They didn’t have one. I said what did the info you saw say was the cause of death? No answer.
Before covid, the number of black people that I know personally who were openly anti-vaxxers was quite small and most of them were Dr. Sebi type hoteps.

Since covid, that has changed. And it has changed drastically in the last two weeks.
Now, there is hit a single day that goes by that I do not encounter a family member’s or friend’s misinformation about the covid vaccines or about how vaccines work, and the ingredients of vaccines.
Also, I work in community development at an org that serves some of the hardest hit communities in this city. I’ve also spoken to my colleagues in the community development field and many, even those who work with vulnerable residents, say they will not take the vaccine.
So you think about that. Not only are folks from the communities hardest hit by covid saying they won’t are the vaccines. People who service these communities in a professional capacity are not going to show leadership and take the vaccine.
Think about that report about 20%-40% of hospital staff at L.A. hospitals refusing to take the vaccine. Then you have other sectors that serve the most vulnerable people saying they won’t take it either?
What does it do to the health care and human services infrastructure if the people who deliver that care and those services won’t even get vaccinated? Are they just gonna get sick and die or become permanently disabled?

The likelihood is yes the longer this rages on.
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