My first apartment in BK, we had a mouse and my roommate and I had a fight about getting kill or no kill traps. I was pro-kill, because i am a monster. Anyways, our other roommates stayed out of it and so we both went to the hardware store to try and resolve. When we got there
the guy who was helping us asked us what was up. We explained. He said, "Oh. I had this exact same fight with my girlfriend 10 yrs ago. She wanted no kill. So I gave in. What i didn't know was the mice were inside our dishwasher, peeing on our clean dishes. My girlfriend
contracted a rare brain disease from eating all that mouse pee. It left her paralyzed and comatose. Now she is bed bound in my apt and me and my new girlfriend are her caretakers. All because of a no kill trap"
I mean, I was already sold and this story seemed like further evidence. But would you believe my roommate said this was not true and just a scare tactic?
Anyways, she won out because i was trying to seem like a nice, cool hipster who loved animals and not the actual person i was. So we didn't get the kill trap and the mouse fell into a bucket she left up in her room for it and then she released it in a local park.
also when i told my cousin in law about this she was like "get a glue trap katie what is wrong with you". She also told me how this same mouse kill shaming happened to her in BK--she used glue traps all the time but didn't want anyone to find out and then her son
went to his BK hippie preschool and told the horrified teachers, in great detail, about what his mom did with the glue traps.
this story inspired by the fact we just saw a very small mouse in the house and everyone has freaked out and spent the last three hours scrubbing things down with bleach
also the last time i had mice i ended up calling this exterminator who told me that the reason I had them was bc my bf at the time had birds. "Mice and birds are the same species," he told me, very earnestly.
Weirdest thing? He, himself, looked like a giant mouse
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